The current President keeps talking about how great Canada would have it if it became the 51st state. I often wonder if Republicans have seriously considered what would happen if it came to pass. Canada has universal healthcare. They embrace DEI. They embrace multiculturalism. They have a providence that primarily speaks French. As the 51st state they would get 2 senators. Most likely liberal senators. How many representatives in the House where the margin is even smaller? Seems like Republicans in the House and Senate wouldn’t be in love with this plan. They keep quiet now hoping it is just bullshit from the orange clown leading them. Why take a chance at pissing him off for no reason. Just sit back and let him backstab our close neighbor and put his ignorant tariffs in place. Stock market is tanking. Inflation is going to spike. Contrary to what he says egg prices are rising not falling. So watch your 401K circle the drain and pretend he has a clue or a plan. Remember you folks who voted for him- you wanted this. You own it.
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Here’s a Plan
Maybe I’m grasping at straws. Could it be possible that the dumbest president in the history of the United States has a nefarious plan? Tariffs raising prices. Stock market crash. Looming government shutdown. Social security and Medicare in doubt. Bring on a recession or depression and watch the bottom fall out. Who does all that not affect? The filthy rich. Make it so government doesn’t work and try to privatize basic government functions. Instead of paying taxes we pay them. When the housing market gets destroyed they buy up our homes and rent them back to us. They are already trying to bust unions. TSA agents just got a new contract last year. The orange turd is trying to void that. Postal workers are next. They have privatized prisons and immigration detention centers. Protesting- good luck with that. Today he said boycott of Tesla was illegal. He’s coming for your free speech rights. You’ll just have the one the police tell you about- the right to remain silent. Fuck that and fuck him. Fuck his plans if he has any. Don’t be distracted. Don’t be silent.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Look for Subtlety
When I read posts on Facebook all too often I see friends and acquaintances looking at the world in black and white. Every problem, every issue has hundreds of different perspectives. If, of instance, I’m pro choice I must be in favor of abortion. For me, that is not what being pro choice means. I look and say I cannot see a scenario where my decision on what a woman should or should not do stands between her and her doctor. It is, I hope, the most difficult decision a woman will make in life. It should involve some serious conversations with whom ever she feels can help her make the best choice give her circumstances. I may or may not agree with her choice but I should not unreasonably restrict her ability to make a choice. Would I prefer there were no abortions? Yes. It would be ideal if no woman was ever impregnated by rape or incest. That no fetus had defects so severe that survival was impossible. We don’t live in an ideal world.
It isn’t just abortion. Look at the current war in Ukraine. All to often recently I have seen posts claiming that if I am not for peace I must be for war. It is not that simple. Russia invaded Ukraine. They took, by force Ukrainian land, in violation of international law. The United States, Russia and Ukraine entered into an agreement when the Soviet Union collapsed that Ukraine would surrender its nuclear weapons in exchange for protection of its sovereign territory. We have not, under multiple presidents, honored our obligation to protect Ukraine. We should not negotiate the loss of Ukraine’s sovereignty over some of its territory with Russia without Ukraine being involved in every meeting and decision. If Mexico took part of our southwest back we wouldn’t be comfortable with them negotiating with Canada without our participation. When I look at the current situation I often think of the words and wisdom of President Lincoln.
Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration
which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause
of the conflict might cease with, or even before, the conflict itself
should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less
fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible, and pray
to the same God; and each invokes his aid against the other.
It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's
assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces;
but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both
could not be answered--that of neither has been answered fully.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Well, it should have surprised no one, the tariffs are here. The rationales given make little or no sense. Let’s start with drug trafficking. This one makes some sense regarding Mexico and China. There seems to be little doubt that drugs are moved from China to Mexico and then into the United States. The case for Canada makes less sense. Less than 1% of illegal drugs enters the United States from Canada. Will tariffs change the flow of drugs? Seems the more effective approach might be a few efforts working together. First, as currently being started, additional troops and border patrol agents. Second, a comprehensive approach to reducing the demand for illegal drugs in the United States. Drug treatment as an alternative to incarceration.
The second rationale given for the tariffs is that somehow these countries stole our jobs. There are a variety of reasons jobs and industries moved out of the United States. Corporations were looking for cheaper labor and less regulation. There is no question Mexico and China provided both. Cheaper labor and less regulation meant larger profits for multinational corporations. Those corporations are not in business to do anything except make profits for their shareholders. Will tariffs change the equation? Maybe.
Contrary to what the current administration is saying tariffs are not paid by foreign countries. They are paid by the importers. It seems unlikely to me that corporations who are profit driven and accountable to their shareholders are going to bear the expense of these tariffs. The cost will be passed on to American consumers. Increased prices, higher inflation. The Federal Reserve is consistent in their policies. They will raise interest rates. The cost of buying homes and cars goes up. Cars and car parts come from all over the world. Those parts just got 25% more expensive. Lumber from Canada will cost more. Interest on car loans and home mortgages will go up.
So I have a couple suggestions. First, fasten your safety belts the ride is going to get bumpy. Second, when you go shopping look for items that are made in the United States. We can’t have products made here if we don’t buy them. Finally for those folks who are riding on the Good Ship Lollipop and think this President is a genius- good luck with that.
Monday, March 3, 2025
There is Beauty
Carol and I made a trip to Asheville, North Carolina in November to visit the Biltmore Estate. The point of our trip was not to see the house, which is magnificent, but to see the beautiful artwork of Dale Chihuly. It has long been my opinion that the gifted artists among us see the world in a different way than the rest of humanity. We are truly fortunate when they share what they see with us. Here is some of Dale Chihuly’s art and vision.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Spine? Do Any of Them Have One?
Yesterday was another in a series of failures by Congressional Republicans to show some spine. They just can’t. The only thing they care about is being re-elected. If they cross the current occupant of the White House his billionaire buddy will spend money to run someone more loyal in the primary. This is where gerrymandering has brought us. A House of Representatives full of people who cannot lose their seats as long as they stay in line. So before yesterday’s meeting they were all in favor of what was happening. When the President of Ukraine was ambushed by the President and Vice President with Russian talking points the Congressional representatives quickly deleted their statements of support for Ukrainian sovereignty. It is spineless and disgusting.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Maybe It’s Time
I haven’t blogged in a while. It isn’t that I haven’t had anything to say. I just didn’t want to sound like that old guy standing on his porch screaming at the neighborhood kids. “Get the fuck off my lawn!” I do want to make one thing clear here. This is my blog. I get to say what I want. If you get offended or don’t like what I have to say. Well don’t come back. Write a comment. Whatever.
I am frustrated with the current state of affairs. Aren’t we better than this? I think some of the nonsense is just to distract us from what is really important. Today it’s about tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China. Tariffs that are essentially a tax on American consumers. If you think corporations are going to absorb the cost rather than pass it on you are delusional. Go to the grocery store and look closely at some of the packaging. The price didn’t change but the contents of the package got smaller. Those three countries are our biggest trading partners. Inflation will increase and the federal reserve will respond with higher interest rates. Recession in our future? Maybe if we are lucky. Depression is a real threat. In order to increase our distraction there is also talk of changing our border with Canada. Why the distractions?
First, Congress is working on tax cuts for billionaires and large corporations. Let’s find the folks with the most money and make sure they get more. We are running deficits in the trillions of dollars. What is the Congressional response? How about we reduce our income. Trickle down economics hasn’t worked. Okay, you don’t like paying taxes. While you complain about that you also want police and fire services, good roads to drive on, clean water, sewer service, strong military and good schools. I think everyone should have adequate healthcare. Those things cost money. Everyone should pay their fair share. If I pay 15% of my income in taxes, for example, shouldn’t a millionaire or billionaire be expecting to pay the same percentage?
Second, this whole DOGE bullshit. I mean really! Some unelected, unaccountable, and in my opinion corrupt billionaire and his unsupervised minions are accessing our most private information and government payment systems. Firing people when they don’t even understand what those people do. Fire the folks dealing with bird flu. Trying to hire them back. Firing the folks who maintain our nuclear weapons. Trying to hire them back. Cut off funding to control the spread of Ebola. Trying to get that restored. Can the government be better and more efficient? Sure. What’s wrong with taking the time to evaluate and do it right. Oversight belongs to Congress not some billionaire asshole.
Keep your eye on the ball here. They want your money and the way to pay for their tax cuts is to cut your Medicare, Medicaid, veteran benefits, education benefits, and social security. They want to raise a generation who aren’t educated enough to realize how much the rich and powerful are fucking them over.
So, you have two choices. One is get involved. The power belongs to the people. Make your voice heard. Option two is bending over and grabbing your ankles. Brace yourself because there won’t be any lube.