Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I got busy this morning and did not think about going out to the road to get the newspaper until about 10:30. The picture above is the view out my front door. It shows only a few of about 200 crows that were in the front yard at the time. Fear? Big guy is afraid of a murder of crows? Thank you Alfred Hitchcock. I don't like scary movies. I'm not talking about the gore in today's horror movies, that has gotten so out of hand it is almost comical. No, scary movies are the ones like The Birds that can take something you see every day and make you wonder what would happen if the world was altered just a little. Stephen King has the same gift in print with books like Cell which make you wonder if you should answer your cell phone. I have lots of tattoos and my lower legs are both dedicated to the Wizard of Oz. Why? Well for one the movie always scared the hell out of me as a child. The flying monkeys, the Wicked Witch melting, Munchkins, etc.  The other reason is the Tinman didn't have a heart and I am a heartless bastard. So, next time you are out and you see a large flock of birds close, maybe you will wonder what might happen. Maybe just a little. Have a nice day?

1 comment:

  1. Do you ever get a little jumpy in the dead of night out there all by yourselves?
