Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I sat the other day talking with a friend and learned after 20 years of marriage they were going their separate ways. The explanation was that they had raised their children and spent all their time and energy focused on the kids. The children had grown up and were more or less on their own and this couple realized that over the course of  that 20 year period they had grown apart. I honestly didn't know what to think other than: "This is really tragic." It was a couple who clearly at some point loved each other and were committed to raising their children together. Where did things go wrong? I'm sure that is a question that no one can really answer with complete certainty. The only marriage that you can ever really know is the one that you are in. I would like to say that Mrs. Sutor and I have had a wonderful and trouble free marriage and to some on the outside it may have appeared that way. It was not and in the future will not be. There are always obstacles to overcome and problems to be solved. The question becomes: do you want to do that on your own or with your best friend and life partner? We have been married almost 38 years. There have been ups and downs. Times when we struggled financially and wondered how we would keep family and home together. Times when we weren't happy with each other over work or friends or life in general. My friend who is getting divorced was somewhat surprised when I said how long Carol and I had been married. How did you manage to stay married so long? We are stubborn. Carol and I have often told others that we remain married because we vowed till death do us part and the other person just won't die. Too many relationships end because the couples lose sight of the promises they made in their vows. You know, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, forsaking all others. A good marriage is based on a few unbreakable laws. I would say rules but I have always believed that rules are made to be broken. Laws are not. Take gravity for example. If gravity was a rule I would try to break it, but I know if I jump off a tall building gravity is a law and I will most assuredly end up broken. So simply put, be honest and faithful. Treat your spouse the way you would want to be treated. The couple getting divorced ignored each other as they raised their children and woke up to discover they didn't like how they had been ignored. If they had treated each other better over the years perhaps they would be staying married. A final word on forsaking all others. There are times in life when we meet others and the thought enters our head that maybe the grass is greener in another place. It always helped me to remember that if someone will cheat with you they will also cheat on you. There can be no real happiness with that person because you know that they have been unfaithful with you. Even if they are not cheating you will always wonder if the opportunity presents itself would they cheat. If life teaches you nothing else you know the opportunity will be there some day. So you will always feel somehow insecure in the relationship. That my friend is not the way to build a lasting marriage.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Random shit

I wish today's blog had a theme but there are just a few things flying around in my head that need to be let out. I am beginning to fear that if I hold them in much longer my head will explode.

Motivation! Why do so many people think I need to be motivated. I go to web sites and they try to convince me to make a difference. Change the world. Carpe Diem. Fuck all of you bastards. Today I am going to sit on the couch and let it suck the life out of me. The only thing that will be different at the end of the day is the thickness of the sofa cushion and the number of empty beer cans in the recycling bin. I don't want to give a shit today and you can't make me. If that old lady needs help crossing the street she will need to wait till  tomorrow or find someone who gives a shit.

It should read beer but you can't be too picky about stuff you steal off other sites on the internet.

Yesterday we went down to our neighbors for a visit. They are from Peoria and come out to the "farm" usually for the day. They have finished fixing up the house down the road and spent the night there for the first time. They honestly are wonderful people and I don't want anyone to mistake my rants for some sort of racist bullshit. It is just straight bullshit. We went down for lunch yesterday and were the only two people present who did not speak arabic. Some of the visitors to their home had little or no english skills. I don't have a problem with that as they are recent immigrants from Lebanon. English is a tough language to learn. If you have any question about that just listen to someone speaking a foreign language and pick out the words they speak in english. They do that because we keep adding new words and rather than invent their language's equivalent they just use the english word. Anyway we spent about 3 hours sitting there listening to them chat in arabic about whatever it was they were talking about. Sometimes we could figure it out based on hand gestures or  how the kids responded to what  was said. It gives you an appreciation of how difficult it must be for them on a dialy basis when we speak and they try to figure out our conversations. I have found over the years we have been visiting with them that the toughest things are words that sound the same but have different meanings like there, their and they're and slang. The shortcuts we can take in language with a native speaker of american midwestern english are often problematic with them.

I find it offensive that some have attempted to make political issue out of Mr. Romney's Mormon religion. I think the above pretty much should lay that issue to rest. Don't examine his religious beliefs too closely until you take a serious look at your own.

This will be my last swipe at religion and the end of today's blog. There is a sofa cushion calling my name and a beer in the frig that needs to find its way into my pie hole.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I've been thinking about humor for the last few days. The cause of these thoughts is my working buddy Nate. Sometimes he tries to be funny and it just doesn't work. Other times he is just Nate and I find him to be amazingly humorous. The other day he was describing a very attractive young lady. How pretty she was and how she had a very nice body. He then said: "She is built like a shit brickhouse." I know what he meant to say but this was actually much better. What exactly does that mean? I know in Nate's mind it was something good but I think if he said it to her she would most likely take offense. So with that in mind I offer the following. You may find them funny or offensive. Maybe both. If you like them fine, if you don't DILLIGAF!

If I was the devil I think I would spend so time around Baptists. I would assume they consider masturbation a sin so perhaps they are trying to keep the devil from a sinful "do it yourself" activity.

Since I have chosen to offend Baptists why not go for the gold and offend all Christians.

George has a point here. Maybe if Christians looked a little deeper into their holy books they would have a little more compassion for the down trodden. Keep in mind that from whom much is given, much is expected and that we are our brothers keeper. Humor had to take a momentary detour because Mr. Carlin always makes us think. I miss him.

Sometimes it feels like that much toilet paper would be needed to do the job.

Another reason I don't miss working at a prison. Low bidder, state contract toilet paper sucks.

I would buy this product every time. Truth in advertising.

We have come full circle my dear reader. Making fun of the mentally challenged. There will be a special place in hell for me. No, not really since I don't believe in heaven or hell. When I am dead then I am dead.

Monday, August 20, 2012


It is a simple thing. Tell the truth. Not some of the truth, but all of the truth. Put your hand on the Bible or in Mitt Romney's case perhaps the Book of Mormon and swear to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Is it too much to ask of the two men running for the office of the President of the United States? Mr. Romney recently stated that it diminished the office of the President for Mr. Obama to say things that were not true while running for reelection. Now Mr. Romney runs an advertisement stating that President Obama has removed the work requirement from welfare so now people will just get a check and do not have to look for work or get training to get a job. The truth is that two Republican governors requested waivers for the welfare law and those requests were approved by the Obama administration provided that they DID NOT ELIMINATE OR WEAKEN THE REQUIREMENT THAT WELFARE RECIPIANTS GET JOB TRAINING AND ACTIVELY SEEK EMPLOYMENT. So what we have now is two LIARS running for the office of President. Mr. Obama has lied as well just not about welfare reform. You can't tell us the truth. Don't tell us what the other guy is going to do, tell us your plan for America going forward. Let us look at both plans and decide which one is best based on its merits. Just tell us the truth.

We spend about 700 billion dollars a year on national defense. The country that spends the next highest amount is about 5 times less than that. Who are we protecting ourselves from? We need more attack submarines and aircraft carries to fight which enemy? We need bases in Japan and Germany because 60+ years after we kicked the crap out of them in World War 2 they continue to be a threat to our national security? When will that end? 4000+ combat deaths in Iraq and 2000+ in Afghanistan. Are we safer now than we were 10 years ago? Make the case for this crazy amount of spending. Come on Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama. Make your best case. We are waiting. People are losing their homes and their jobs are going overseas. The money wasted in the defense budget could help those folks out or at least reduce the deficit.

The TRUTH, is it too much to ask?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lily Lu

It has been a busy summer and I have neglected this blog for far too long. My loyal and odd helper Nate has moved here from South Dakota and we are back in the woods cleaning up invasive brush, cutting down unproductive trees and getting ready to plant new seedlings. So when we are done working for the day I am just to tired to do this and my head feels empty. Today, finally, RAIN! Not a random shower, real, honest to god, thunder and lightning, by the bucket full, RAIN. So, no work in the woods today. Time to talk about our new family member.

As you may be aware our beloved dog Candy passed away in March. I would like to say I have gotten better about it but even typing that line brings tears to my eyes. Had to take a kleenex break. I professed at the time that I would never have another dog. Carol wanted to go look at some puppies in July and I told her I would go along for the ride. Some friends had some 6 week old Redbone Coon Hounds and Carol wanted to see them. Nate and I were done working for the day and he asked to tag along. Carol fell in love with a little female and decided on the name Lily Lu. I have held to my statement that I would never have another dog. Carol picked her out and Lily Lu is her dog.

This is the wonderful Miss Lily Lu protecting one of the prized possessions. Yes it is a big black bone. If you believe everything you hear apparently all large bones are black. Why, I wonder, does it appear to have testicles on both ends? Those should probably be issues for a different blog entry. Back to the Lily Lu story. She is cuter than this picture. She is a genius. She thinks the world is made up of things to be smelled and chewed. I am one of her smelly, chewy things.

I submit  as proof of Lily Lu's genius the photo above. She goes to the box every morning with Carol and prances happily back to the house with the paper in her mouth. She almost always is willing to give it to me in exchange for a tasty treat. Beggin Strips are her absolute favorite. If she does not get the treat she is  willing to turn the newspaper into confetti.

After a hard day being a growing puppy it is time for a nap on the couch. Lily Lu lives for three things. Attention, food and sleep are the mainstays of the days. If only life for the rest of us could be that simple. We have a lot to learn from Lily Lu.

Lily has helped me learn a couple of things. Puppies and 58 year old men have at least one thing in common. We need to get up and pee sometime during the night. Monday night at three in the morning Lily Lu felt the call of nature. Carol was sleeping soundly so I decided to take the little lady out to do her jobs. Leaving a warm bed and stepping out into the 60 degree night air meant that I felt a sudden and urgent need to pee as well. Lily Lu was busy doing her job and I thought this allowed time for a quick pee. I dropped my underwear to my knees and let fly. Your thought processes are not as quick at three in the morning and quick pee is no longer an ability I possess. Lily finished her pee and started to wander about on the leash. She gave a quick look my way and decided it was time to take a closer look. Thinking as quickly as my sleepy brain would allow I determined that peeing on the dog was not a good option. I redirected my aim closer to my feet to avoid giving Lily Lu a golden shower. After a few seconds I realized that I no longer heard the familiar sound of urine hitting the ground. Yes folks I had brought the aim a little too far in and was in fact peeing in my underwear. I don't have a degree in physics and cannot understand how urine can exit your body at alomost 100 degrees and after exposure to the air for a few seconds is like ice water. I pulled my underwear up to my cold and now shrivled daddy parts and made a shameful walk back to the house to throw them in the washing machine. Lily Lu and I still pee outdoors but I am more aware of what both of us are doing.