Monday, August 27, 2012

Random shit

I wish today's blog had a theme but there are just a few things flying around in my head that need to be let out. I am beginning to fear that if I hold them in much longer my head will explode.

Motivation! Why do so many people think I need to be motivated. I go to web sites and they try to convince me to make a difference. Change the world. Carpe Diem. Fuck all of you bastards. Today I am going to sit on the couch and let it suck the life out of me. The only thing that will be different at the end of the day is the thickness of the sofa cushion and the number of empty beer cans in the recycling bin. I don't want to give a shit today and you can't make me. If that old lady needs help crossing the street she will need to wait till  tomorrow or find someone who gives a shit.

It should read beer but you can't be too picky about stuff you steal off other sites on the internet.

Yesterday we went down to our neighbors for a visit. They are from Peoria and come out to the "farm" usually for the day. They have finished fixing up the house down the road and spent the night there for the first time. They honestly are wonderful people and I don't want anyone to mistake my rants for some sort of racist bullshit. It is just straight bullshit. We went down for lunch yesterday and were the only two people present who did not speak arabic. Some of the visitors to their home had little or no english skills. I don't have a problem with that as they are recent immigrants from Lebanon. English is a tough language to learn. If you have any question about that just listen to someone speaking a foreign language and pick out the words they speak in english. They do that because we keep adding new words and rather than invent their language's equivalent they just use the english word. Anyway we spent about 3 hours sitting there listening to them chat in arabic about whatever it was they were talking about. Sometimes we could figure it out based on hand gestures or  how the kids responded to what  was said. It gives you an appreciation of how difficult it must be for them on a dialy basis when we speak and they try to figure out our conversations. I have found over the years we have been visiting with them that the toughest things are words that sound the same but have different meanings like there, their and they're and slang. The shortcuts we can take in language with a native speaker of american midwestern english are often problematic with them.

I find it offensive that some have attempted to make political issue out of Mr. Romney's Mormon religion. I think the above pretty much should lay that issue to rest. Don't examine his religious beliefs too closely until you take a serious look at your own.

This will be my last swipe at religion and the end of today's blog. There is a sofa cushion calling my name and a beer in the frig that needs to find its way into my pie hole.

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