Monday, February 29, 2016

Grade School?

I'm beyond disgusted with the current state of politics in the United States. The three leading candidates for the Republican nomination have gotten to the point where they are exchanging grade school insults. "His ears are big." "His spray tan has clogged his pores and he doesn't sweat." "He has small hands and you know what they say about guys with small hands." "He's a liar." Well, it least they all got that one right. We have the very real prospect that one of those three idiots will have access to the nuclear weapon launch codes. None of them appear even remotely presidential. This is our best and brightest? This is leadership? We are faced with the once every four year opportunity to vote for president. These are our choices on the Republican side. 
The Republicans in the United States Senate have determined President Obama should not fulfill his Constitutional obligation to appoint a new Supreme Court justice because he is close to the end of his term of office. If we apply that logic to the Senate we have this. 
Both arguments are stupid. If you aren't familiar with the fallacy referee you should check it out. You can apply those logical fallacies to our election process. 

The problem that faces me is travel. We were in Illinois before the Iowa caucus so we got hammered with ads. We returned to Tybee and were overrun with ads for the South Carolina primary. Tomorrow Georgia votes so we are still dealing with political ads. The way things look we will be back in Illinois before the primary vote there, so once again more ads. It is my worst nightmare. 

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable primary. I'm speechless and embarrassed.
