Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Budde's- A Trip Through the Coolers

Carol and I spent some time recently back home in Illinois. It means we spent a considerable amount of time at Budde's eating pizza and drinking beer. I decided early in our visit I would drink as many different craft beers as possible during our stay. I normally go in and have two or three a night so every night I would try to have something different. The good news is that Budde's has a good selection.

I do want to say one thing before I move on to the beers. You hear people often claim to love beer. When you ask them more specifically they don't normally respond with a style of beer like stout, porter, or pale ale. They usually say a specific beer like Budweiser or Miller Lite. I would argue at that point they don't love beer they love Budweiser or Miller Lite. I love beer and over the next several days you get to go along as I show you what was in the coolers at Budde's.

Fist City from Revolution Brewing. This is a Chicago Pale Ale meant for those who love hops. It uses a blend of Centennial, Citra, Chinook, Cascade and Crystal hops. The picture on the front is the Statue of the Republic found in Jackson Park, Chicago.

Anchor Brewing- Meyer Lemon Lager. The goal of Anchor Brewing was to create a beer that would highlight the flavor of Meyer lemon. The tartness of the lemon is balanced by the sweetness of the malt. This beer took me a bit out of my comfort zone. I do not normally like fruited beers. This one was tolerable.

New Holland Tasmanian Hatter Galaxy India Pale Ale. This beer is flavored with hops from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Northwest. The hops are Nelson, Sauvin and Galaxy. If you like hops this is a good choice.

Moody Tongue Brewing- Steeped Emperor's Lemon Saison. This is another beer that pulls me out of my normal comfort zone. I'm not a huge fan of Saison beers and then you throw in some lemon. This beer uses Meyer lemon peel and sorachi ace hops.

Short's Brew- Beard of Zeus. This is an American Pale Lager made with Zeus hops and flavored with orange peel. Once again a beer with some fruit flavor. This one managed to balance the orange peel and hops well and of the fruit beers my personal choice. Stop back tomorrow as the journey continues.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like fun. Had a couple different types of beer that I didn't like so pretty much gave up on the experimentation. In my book beer tastes like Miller Lite.
