Monday, June 7, 2021

Get the Shot

 It looks like most Americans who wanted to get the vaccine for COVID-19 have done so. Every day less and less folks are showing up at vaccination sites. It seems like a significant percentage of our adult population is ignorant. Their arguments? The vaccine was developed too quickly. Therefore they want to sit back and make sure it works and doesn’t have side effects. COVID-19 has side effects. Some 1 or 2% infected die. Some have long term health issues. They feel the vaccine risk outweighs the disease risk. That one makes no sense to me as there appears to be no significant risk with hundreds of millions of doses given. There is, of course, that group who is convinced that the government has put a microchip in the vaccine so they can track you. This is stupid on multiple levels. First, nothing you do is that interesting. No one wants to track you. Second, you are carrying a cellphone. You have already agreed to be tracked. You complain about this while you try to save money on your car insurance with a device that tracks your driving habits. If you want to avoid tracking get rid of your cellphone, go back to driving that 1971 Chevy Nova and start living disconnected from the grid. No credit or debit cards. All cash transactions. 

I guess the best the rest of us can hope for is that you don’t manage to get infected, induce a variant in your inbred genome, and start a new wave of vaccine resistant disease. There unfortunately is no cure for your stupidity. By the way- Donald Trump lost, he isn’t the “real” President and won’t be reinstated as President in August. 


  1. I honestly don’t know how we accomplished so much last century and then the next batch is so fucking stupid.

  2. I honestly don’t know how we accomplished so much last century and then the next batch is so fucking stupid.

  3. I honestly don’t know how we accomplished so much last century and then the next batch is so fucking stupid.
