Sunday, April 6, 2014

If I Don't My Head Might Explode

It has been a while since I had a full on, this shit makes me crazy rant. I know it's Sunday. God can have the day off, I'm going to work today. Does seem odd that on His day off everyone bothers him by going to church and praying extra. Not really a day off is it? Hazard of being a supreme being, creator of the universe and all that other shit. That's a rant for another day. Tax day is coming and I will be sending the treasury another check in a few days. Here is what I get for my money and you get for yours.

My first problem is the big blue wedge that takes up over 50% of the discretionary budget funds. The projected military spending for 2015 is 640 billion dollars. Actually it isn't. It's more. There is a contigency fund for overseas war operations that is not a part of the military budget. It is used now to fund the war in Afghanistan. It amounted to another 85 billion dollars in fiscal year 2014. So while that is 55% of our federal budget you might want to take a look at it compared to the remainder of the world. There are two ways to do this. First in the number of dollars. We spend more on national defense than the next 10 countries combined.  In terms of percentages we spend 40% of the world total on military expenses. Where does it go? Well if you just look at war today and every day since 2001 we have spent and continue to spend 10.94 million dollars every hour. Every day. Every week. Every Month. Every year. Since 2001. A total today of $1,524,279,5XX,XXX. The numbers on the meter spin so fast you can't track them. Over a trillion dollars. What a success Iraq and Afghanistan have turned out to be.

Representative Paul Ryan has released his proposed 2015 budget which promises over the next 10 years to balance the federal budget. How many times have we heard that line before? Both parties on a regular basis attempt to shovel that bullshit at us. How does Mr. Ryan propose we get there? He proposes big cuts in health care programs for the middle class and poor, tax hikes and Medicare cuts engineered by President Obama as part of the Affordable Care Act. He plans to cut food stamps, and pell grants along with farm subsidies. He proposes to turn Medicaid into a block grant program managed by the states which could drive millions off the program including seniors in nursing homes and children from low income families. It also makes sharp cuts to refundable income and child tax credits for the working poor. Mr. Ryan does not propose cuts to social security, promises increases for veterans and restoration of looming defense spending cuts. Now the first two, social security and veterans, I have no issue with. In my opinion we owe more to our veterans than we could ever pay. Those who risked life and limb, those who lost life and limb and the families of our veterans, we are forever in your debt. I ranted earlier about the amount of money we spend on national defense. We have weapons that no one else can defeat in the field. We continue to build newer, bigger, smarter and more powerful weapon systems. Why? Who are we fighting? We have spent 13 years in Afghanistan and are no closer to victory there now than we were then.

We propose budgets and cuts that hurt the weakest ond most vulnerable among us. At the same time we claim to fight for a balanced budget a bill is proposed in Congress to restore 85 billion dollars in tax breaks that benefit wind farms, NASCAR tracks and filmmakers. I can't blame Republicans for this one as it was passed out of the Senate Finance Committee by Chairman Ron Wyden a democrat from Oregon. It seems we have a reverse Robin Hood action here. Let's take things from the poor like food and health care and give breaks to big businesses like NASCAR and wind farms. Seems like a winning strategy. If we deny the poor adequate food and health care maybe we will get lucky and they will die young. If that happens maybe there will be less of them and eventually we can just save time and make the poor have babies at home and then starve them to death. Problem solved in a generation or so. Maybe use some of that huge defense budget to round them up into camps. Declare them lepers or Muslims or retarded or crazy or Jews or homosexuals. We got plenty of money for defense might as well defend ourselves from these poor sick people. It will reduce social program spending and give the military another reason to ask for more money. Killing folks ain't cheap.

1 comment:

  1. Great thought-provoking post, Mr. Sutor. Ike saw the Military-Industrial Complex clearly but even he was helpless to prevent its onslaught.
