Monday, February 2, 2015


It was an interesting day here on Tybee Island. The golf cart was finally finished with the upgrades to make it street legal. The final hurdle is an inspection by the local police department. Carol and I walked with Lily Lu the half mile to the police station and I went in with the required paperwork. The officer came out to the lobby with his checklist, pen and a question.
"Where is the golf cart?"
Me: "At the house."
Officer: "I can't go there to inspect it. You need to bring it here."
Me: "It's not street legal because you haven't inspected it. I can't drive it on the street. You have rules here."
Officer: "Ignore those long enough to get it here."
So cart delivered to police for inspection. Cart passes. I try to pay $15.00 registration fee with a $20.00 bill.
Clerk: "I don't have any change."
Me: "Can I write a check?"
Clerk: "No, we don't take personal checks."
Me: "Seems like a trust issue."
Clerk: "Go to that window she will give you change. Then come back here."
Those things done and registration sticker issued. Then back home and down to city hall for a parking sticker. $150.00 later a parking sticker issued and we are off to Benny's for a beer. Miss Carol may now prowl the streets of Tybee in her cart. The police were quick to point out two areas where the cart is not allowed. One is the highway. The second- the sidewalk. It wasn't in the directions originally but after stopping a few folks driving them on the sidewalk the rules were amended. Since Lily and I often walk on the sidewalk I told the officer I appreciated not being required to dodge golf carts. I asked if they could do something about the bicycles on the sidewalks. He stated it was an ordinance violation but they were told not to enforce the ordinance. I made a comment about the city having lots of rules. He made a comment about the city council needing something to do in the winter when there weren't many tourists around. Seems to me if you aren't going to enforce the ordinance maybe you shouldn't even have it on the books.

Mike and Nancy- come on up from Florida and take Carol's Tybee Golf Cart Tour.

1 comment:

  1. Can I wake Carol up at 4:00 AM to get a lift to the beach for night and sunrise picture taking?
