Saturday, February 15, 2020

Stupid is as Stupid does

I posted once in this blog about my father saying the following: “Just how goddamn stupid are you?” I’m now about the age he was when he said that 20 some years ago. I get it. He was just really tired of stupid people. They are exhausting.

We literally have access to vast amounts of information. In seconds we can look at any meme posted on Facebook or any other social media site and determine if it is a fact. Most people don’t bother. The post conforms with what they believe so they like or share. When confronted with facts the result is as follows.

The person who posted that has put out some things that were inaccurate. When I wasted my time providing evidence of their inaccurate nature the response was unfortunately predictable. They didn’t care because they liked what it said. It supported the ignorant beliefs they held and they preferred to stay willfully stupid.

I think George Carlin distilled it down to its basics. The “owners” of this country want a population just smart enough to run their machines and do their stupid paperwork but not smart enough to realize how badly the system is rigged and screwing them over.

So, I have a question for you if you look at how things are right now and you think everything is going well and getting better.