Monday, May 7, 2012


Humor is one of those subjective things. What I find funny you may find juvenile or even stupid. I'm okay with that and have no problem saying things that make me look stupid or immature. Sometimes on a really good day I can do both at once. Carol and I went to WalMart today and it seems to be one of those places where my mouth overrules my brain on a regular basis. One of my major problems is staring. You see strange things at WalMart. I spent a career in prisons and detention centers watching other people do things. Sometimes very strange things. If you are going to be in public and do a strange thing I am going to watch really, really closely. I figure if I don't pay close attention I might miss something really strange or awful. It's not like I want to participate I just want to watch. WalMart was boring today just the normal misfits and their odd fashions. No one really acting weird. We got to the checkout lane and as usual we had to wait about 15 minutes. I am always fascinated by what they put in the lanes to attempt to get you to make an impulse buy. Today they had vasaline lip balm and locktite super glue next to each other. I suggested to Carol that if one product didn't fix a problem with someone's mouth the other one would. The clerk at the lane looked at the two products, then at me and just shook her head and walked away. Maybe a prior bad experience with super glue. The following are things I saw that I thought were funny. Feel free to disagree. Like I said humor is subjective.

Yes I make fun of people with handicaps. I don't know anything about being politically correct and hope I never learn.

Never have learned that either. Hope I never do.

Be proud of who and what you are even if you are an idiot.

Marketing, you never know how it will go until you try. I think Carl was on to something with the original name. I think that crowd SUCKED!

1 comment:

  1. I like your humor, and, if given enough time will get it.
