Thursday, May 17, 2012


Every man at one point or another buys or has a subscription to a "gentleman's magazine". Today's mail included a Playboy subscription renewal. They were quick to point out that it was the third renewal notice. Better hurry, you might miss something. Does it have some interesting articles? Yes, from time to time. Are the opinions expressed interesting and informative? Sometimes they are. Do the movie, book and television reviews prove to be helpful? Generally not. Are the women beautiful and naked? Always. Are they air brushed and photoshopped perfection? Certainly. In the long run is this enough to continue the subscription? Probably not. Once a month some of the most beautiful women in the world trade some of their flesh for money. The argument is made by some that the women phtographed are objectified and somehow diminished. Others make the case that the women are being presented in a sensitive and artistic manner. In some ways both are right. Perhaps a more sensible reason for ot subscribing or buying is a little closer to home. How does your wife, daughter or granddaughter feel? The women pictured, before they are air brushed and photoshopped, are one in a million. When the computer geeks are done with them they at times defy the laws of nature. One might particularly note that it appears some breasts have anti-gravity properties. The final comparison I will make and another reason i will not renew has to do with cars. In my youth I thought nothing would be better than being able to drive around in a Corvette Stingray. What an amazing beautiful car. I didn't go down to the car dealer every month and look at one or subscribe to a car magazine. Why torture myself looking at something I would never be able to afford. I've never sat in a Corvette Stingray. Never driven one. It is about as useful and obtainable to me as a girl who has posed in playboy. They do those interviews and ask them what kind of man the want. So far none of them have been vapid enough to say: "I'm looking for an overweight, blad, middle-aged man who is retired, has 6 granddaughters, 3 children, a wife and a big mortgage." Realistically they have about as much interest in me as I have in them. I'm married to a middle-aged woman who promised over 37 years ago that she would be there for richer or poorer, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health until death parts us. She has kept her end of that agreement and aside from death stuck with me through all those experiences. So someone else can pay to look at those fake breasts and altered photos in Playboy and I will continue to try to be worthy of the woman who has made the choice to spend her life with me.

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