Monday, June 18, 2012

Fathers Day

I felt lucky on Fathers Day. Lucky to have three healthy children. Lucky to have six healthy granddaughters. Lucky to have a wife who was willing to be a mother. I made it clear to her that she was the only reason I was a father. Our children our reasonably well adjusted adults who work and provide for their families. I don't say that to shine a light on me or Carol. We made lots of mistakes as our children grew up. I think that you get closest to figuring out how to be a parent when your last child leaves home. Then you have to sit back and watch your children try to raise your grandchildren trying you damnst not to interfere. They don't want you to raise their kids because they remember you weren't so good at it and they KNOW they can do better. As lucky as I am there are two things I wish for every Fathers Day. Carol and I got married in late 1974. In early 1975 her father had a heart attack and was revived after being without oxygen for too long. The doctors thought he would live a few days. He lived 12 years in a body that wouldn't die that had a brain that did. He never got to see or hold any of his grandchildren. We thought we would have time to do things with him later. We didn't. Every year I wish it had been different. The second thing I wish for is more time with my Dad. He died of lung cancer in 1999. It would be great to talk to him again. The two Dads, mine and Carol's were old school. Hard working, plain spoken, no frills men. What you saw was what you got. You didn't wonder what they were thinking because they told. You were told in no uncertain terms. Nothing was filtered to be politically correct. They are the kind of men you don't see much any more. So while I wish things were different and I could see them both again I count myself lucky every Fathers Day to have had them in my life.

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