Monday, March 4, 2013


It seems like almost every day I hear something on the news that makes me this. "What the fuck is going on here? "  Dennis Rodman just got back from a trip to North Korea. He met with the troll who runs that mess. Dennis thinks that he's not that bad a guy and that most of the problems were created by the troll's father. I've learned a few things over the years about athletes. Try not to be too offended.

First, lots of guys who are really good at sports are not very bright. If you believe in God then maybe it makes sense. Maybe God says you get to be really good at hitting a baseball, or shooting basketballs or running really fast but you don't get to be really smart. Physically gifted, mentally not so much. I know it is not a perfect correlation every theory has some exceptions. Stephen Hawking can't hit a curve ball and Michael Jordan likely knows very little about theoretical physics. Every now and then there is a guy who is smart and athletic. A freak of nature. Just proof to me that God does make a mistake now and then. Midgets, Andre the Giant, snakes, spiders, Glenn Beck, you know creepy shit.

Second, Charles Barkley probably said it best. He claimed to be a basketball player not a role model. Dennis needs to keep in mind he is a former player and not an ambassador. Should he be a representative of the United States? I guess we could do worse. We could use him to say we stick pieces of metal through our faces just for fun. We are tough. Dennis may be crazy as a shithouse rat but no one should ever question how tough he is.

Finally, since Dennis is really tall and apparently likes hanging out with short dictators maybe we should arrange a side trip for him to Iran. They have another short troll in charge. Might be fun?

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