Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Are You NUTS?????

One of my Facebook friends on a regular basis posts what she calls QOTD (Question of the Day). Yesterday the question was what is your favorite nut. It was a tough question. I like nuts.

Cashew nuts are great. Here they are dangling from a cashew nut tree. A great nut to cook with. Cashew chicken comes to mind. Excellent Chinese dish.

The Mrs. is fond of brazil nuts. Not a personal favorite but still a nice snack from time to time.

Almond nuts are recommended as a diet food. I don't think the can of them I eat is the recommendation. Those who want to be technical- I know it isn't a nut, it is a seed. By the way as the commercial says- "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't." Since they call it a nut I will too.

Walnuts are the best thing that ever happened to a properly contructed brownie.

The glorious hazel nut or filbert. This is one great nut. Mon Cheri used to make the best chocolate with a hazel nut in the middle of it. Now they package them with another inferior product and to get 4 of the good ones you have to buy 12 crappy candies. I refuse to do so.

The glorious pecan. Let us be honest and truly southern. The word is pronounced pee CAN. My favorite nut in a pie. Pralines are a southern delight and I have some on order now.

I don't know how you talk about nuts without talking about squirrels. They are up in the trees stealing them from us all day long. This little fella sure seems proud of the pair he has.

Some nuts aren't edible but still vital. Where would we be without these nuts?

Sorry Mike had to throw this in. It would seem if this was real you could see them from your place. I was also wondering why Florida has blue balls? Is the gulf water really that cold?

Truck nuts. I'm not sure what this guy is doing. I'm hoping he is a mechanic (in my world a car doctor) and he is checking for a hernia. I went out and checked my truck. No nuts. I must have one that was castrated or it is a girl. Where would truck ovaries be?
I think they just ruined the annual Easter egg hunt for me. Don't want to send the granddaughters out in the yard looking for those.

So you have to love your nuts. How did I answer the question of the day? My favorite nut. Why my right of course. I remember too many time when I have said: "I would give my left nut for that." If I am willing to give up my left nut then my right must be my favorite. The little fella above only has one nut and he is holding it close to his heart. Take a little time today and love your nuts. Check yourself for cancer with a self exam. If you are lucky maybe someone will lend you a hand. 

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