Thursday, December 9, 2021

Debt Ceiling

 Republicans or Democrats? It doesn’t seem to matter. Both political parties spend money. Lots of money. So much more money than the government collects in taxes. So what do we do? We borrow money to pay for the goods and services the government provides. Congress sets a limit on how far in debt we as a nation can go. So, like now, the two political parties are fighting about raising the debt limit so the debt both parties created can be paid and funds to allow the government to continue to provide services are available. Over the past few decades the debt ceiling has been used by both political parties to attempt to score points with voters as a campaign tool. The entire process is stupid. The process could be solved with one vote. Just eliminate the debt ceiling. If you authorize the money to be spent then you also have authorized any debt that spending creates to be paid. Seriously? How fucking hard is that? 

Since I decided to talk about government spending let’s talk about some other government bullshit. The United States Senate has been debating and bargaining over the social program spending President Biden wants. No Republicans support the plan. Why make peoples lives better? Why would they want to make sure the children they want born by banning abortion are fed, housed, clothed and educated? So a couple of Democratic Senators are holding the bill hostage because the drug and oil companies donate lots of money to their campaigns. The fact that the majority of taxpayers want this along with gun control doesn’t matter. So they sit and fuss and fret and argue about a couple trillion dollars spent over a ten year period. What just races through with very little debate? The current defense authorization bill of 768 billion dollars for one year. So we build tanks and jets and ships. Cannons, guns, rockets, atomic bombs and all kinds of other stuff to kill people. Not much debate. Keep folks alive- how will you pay for that? Maybe we could get rid of some command staff in the armed forces. We currently have 1.3 million troops in uniform and 653 Generals. During World War 2 we had over 16 million troops in uniform and 1,100 Generals. If we kept the same ratio of Generals to total troop numbers we should have about 90 Generals. 

So I say fuck both parties. Neither party deserves our vote or to stay in power. They are for the most part more concerned with staying in power and satisfying their donors than they are in governing for the collective good of the citizens who elect them. So FUCK ‘EM!!!!!!

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