Sunday, January 30, 2022

Another Part of Our National Nightmare

 When you’re elected as a senator what is more important, backing an agenda that makes progress toward a better country or being re-elected? Senator Susan Collins, Republican from Maine was asked today if Donald Trump ran for President again would she support him.  The best Senator Collins could do was say that it was very unlikely given the number of other qualified candidates that appear interested in running. It is interesting to note that in Trump’s second impeachment trial Senator Collins was one of seven Republicans to vote in favor of impeachment. So at that time so believed he had committed a violation of his oath of office so severe he should be removed. Now, well, maybe he is qualified and acceptable to run and maybe I’ll support his candidacy. Is it that hard to look at everything he has done and say something really simple. “There is no way, under any circumstance, I will ever support his candidacy for President of the United States.” There are two reasons for refusing to say that sentence. First, primary voters are the. Base of the Republican Party. They will go out and vote in the primary election. They, at least at this point, still think Donald Trump should carry the party banner. So Senator Collins is looking for re-election not for the good of the country. The second reason? Well that would require Senator Collins to have a spine. It is a condition all to common among those currently in office representing the Republican Party.  

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