Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Enter the Confessional

I did something today that I'm not proud of. It honestly brings me some shame. I never thought it would happen. They say confession is good for the soul so I'm going to share my egregious transgression with you. It is going to take a little bit of background information so you understand the depth of my depravity.

Raven-Symone was interviewed by Oprah last weekend. During the segment she said the following: "I'm tired of being labeled. I'm an American. I'm not an African-American, I'm an American. I'm an American, and that's a colorless person. Because we're all people; I have lots of things running through my veins. I have darker skin. I have a nice, interesting grade of hair. I connect with Caucasian, I connect with Asian, I connect with black, I connect with Indian. I connect with each culture." Raven-Simone is also involved in a same sex relationship and objects to being referred to as gay.

Some may have jumped to the conclusion that my sin was actually knowing something that happened on Oprah. No, it's worse than that. I know something that was said on Glenn Beck. If you are a long time reader you know that I have absolutely no use for Mr. Beck. I think that Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are two of the most despicable human beings ever to pollute our radio waves. They have no interest in any cause but their own enrichment. They will say and do anything to promote their own selfish interests. They have shown me they have no interest in the truth.

So what did Glenn Beck say? "I think that's absolutely fantastic. Who wants to be defined by their sexuality? This is unbelievable. This is Martin Luther King's dream. I'm an American. When Raven says, I just want to be identified as human, good for you. Good for you. Let's stop dividing ourselves and let's start being intellectually curious and accepting the fact that other people are going to go in a different direction. And stop trying to win and start trying to understand each other."

My horrible sin? I read that and thought in my head, "You know Glenn Beck is right about this." I caught myself and thought I must have hit my head or suffered a stroke. I'm agreeing with something Glenn Beck said, even for a second? It can't be happening. But it was and it did. I am ashamed. My only consolation is the knowledge that random things happen in the universe. For example, you could put all the parts necessary to build a bicycle in a large bag and given an infinite amount of time to shake the bag at some point chance would cause you to end up with a bicycle. There would be billions upon billions of unsuccessful attempts but eventually it would happen. Glenn hasn't had billions of chances to say something smart or kind but as chance would have it he finally did say something I could agree with him about. My only saving grace is that I am sure almost immediately after saying this he made some remark that categorized every Muslim in the world as a terrorist bent on destroying America and killing all of us. I'm secure in the knowledge that he would not see this as direct opposition to his previous statement about Raven-Simone.

So there you have it. My sin confessed. I feel better now knowing that you have been given full disclosure about my failing.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't a clue as to who Raven-Simone is but then again I never watch Oprah. Rejecting labels is neat and I get it, but I doubt we as a civilization will be able to do that until we are all a bit of everything. That could take some time. By then I wouldn't be surprised if we found something else to judge others. As far as Beck, he seems to be apologetic on a couple of things in the last year: I read where he is sorry he was so inflammatory on some things he advocated on his radio show. Maybe he is trying to reform his image, but I think the damage is done, he is forever tainted with "stupid".
