Friday, October 31, 2014


Just some random things in this post and thoughts of a Halloween many years ago.

If there was ever a reason to skip that trip to McDonald's this is probably the best one ever. Special sauce on that Big Mac--- don't ask.

One misspelled word and the hunt for a new job begins.

What school is this for? Seems like an issue. Must be a WalMart store.

Wish this was a joke. It isn't. Is this really the best way to spend this much money?

When I worked at the prison that happened every day on the way to my office. When I was in a housing unit wing talking to inmates probably spoke to that many in a couple of hours. Generally they were the easiest guys to work with in the place. Drug users, guys who commit property crimes and sex offenders always had some lame excuse for their conduct. Guys who murdered someone, they knew they had done a bad thing. They were also in for a long time so they knew they had to find some way to make the system work for them rather than spending all their time fighting it.

Audrey and Johnnie getting ready to head off for a day of fun at school. Halloween was always a good time to be a kid in grade school.

The year was 1977, the place- Mary Davis Juvenile Detention Home. The man, the legend Mike Blythe. Your first day working in a locked facility with juvenile offenders is always interesting. You don't have a clue what you are doing or what to expect. At the Mary at the time it was just you and one other staff member of the opposite sex and up to 20 or so juvenile offenders. Halloween night 1977 was Mike's first night of work at the Mary. Shift starts at 3:00 p.m. and the afternoon is spent with recreation and staff preparing and serving the evening meal. After the meal and chore cleanup by the kids they head back to the dormitories for showers. When those are completed they return to the main area for evening recreation. Tonight is special, It's Halloween. The recreation tonight is pumpkin carving. Every juvenile offender is given a pumpkin to carve and a sharp knife. So, imagine being Mike. First night of work. No idea what is going on yet. Everyone has a sharp knife except Mike. The only thing standing between them and escape is Mike and a set of keys he and the other staff member carry. Everyone has a sharp knife. Fortunately for Mike everyone chooses to carve their pumpkin. It is the most interesting first night of work anyone could ask for.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes. You actually tell the story better than I. Didn't know if I was going to have to pay the employment agency their fee for finding the job if I quit after one shift.
    Fun times, and would look forward to another newbie in a month or so named Jeff Sutor.
