Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Jesus Christ Jeff- What is Wrong with You?

If you ever wondered if I was going to hell (if there is such a place) these should dispel all doubt. They are not originals by me. Some talented person somewhere photoshopped these and I think they are great.

 Seems to me he would always win. Not a fair fight.

 Field sobriety test- NO Problem.
 Personally I would have had him pitch.

 Not fair- he knows ALL the answers. Looks a little old for that class.

Sure hope those are kosher.
Since I'm hell bound might as well throw these on the fire.

 That one is true. He would know.
 Love the eyes.

 Over 2,000 years and mothers never change.
 More truth there then we'd like to acknowledge.
 Could resist a poke at Republican Christians.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious. Surely the Prime Mover has a sense of humor.
