Monday, June 15, 2015

Does it Matter?

As Americans we seem to spend way too much time worrying about things that really aren't all that important in the big scheme of life. One of the things we seem overly concerned about is gay marriage. Gay and lesbian couples want to get married. They want the legal rights that are accorded to married couples under our laws. Does their ability to marry in any way impact my marriage? Are clergy required to open their churches to these ceremonies and act as the officiant? There seems to be a lot of concern about bakers having to make cakes for same sex couples. That seems like a good place to begin.

Some bakers feel that making a cake for a same sex couples wedding makes them a participant in an act that offends their "Christian" morals. I understand that as an individual. However, when you open a business your personal morals have to take a step back from your business responsibilities. Jeff, the baker, may have issues with baking a cake for a same sex couple. Jeff's bakery is a business and has no standing for those issues. Now folks want to make all kinds of inappropriate comparisons. What if I went to a Muslim butcher shop and ordered bacon? Or a Muslim restaurant and ordered a ham sandwich? Not an apt comparison. If the shop does not carry bacon there is no requirement they go out and buy some to sell to you. If a ham sandwich is not on the menu and they don't stock the supplies to make one, they are not required to go out and buy them because you want a sandwich. If a bakery makes wedding cakes they don't get to decide which couples get to buy one. The same way a bakery owner wouldn't be able to refuse to sell me one because I am fat. Comparisons from those on the other side have been equally unfair. The false example is one of a gun shop owner selling a gun and a murderer killing someone with it. Does that make the gun store owner a participant in the murder? No one would argue that issue. All the shop owner did was sell a gun. He has no responsibility for what is done with it after it leaves his possession.

Really for me what does it matter? The problem all too often is that folks allow their beliefs and emotions to influence their financial decisions. You see it all the time at auctions. It becomes a battle of wills to win the bid on an item. Sometimes folks pay as much for something used as it would cost for the item brand new. It makes no sense to me. You have to look at something and determine its worth. Make a decision not to over pay. Keep your emotions and religious beliefs out of the transaction. You bake cakes. The same sex couple wants a cake. A smart business person would not turn them away. Maybe it is one cake to them but it may mean several cakes to your business. They tell their friends or other couples at the ceremony like the cake and you get more business. You refuse and act like an ignorant bigot and word gets around. It may cost you way more than that one cake.

So Bodine DILLIGAF says be a business person don't be a dumb asshole.

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