Monday, June 8, 2015

Don't Care, Really, Really Don't CARE

It seems like it has been forever since I wrote anything. I needed a few days off to do some work around the homestead here in Illinois and to think about some issues. Sometimes I worry that I'm just ranting away and it is like pissing your pants. You get that warm happy feeling for a few minutes and then realize you pissed yourself and life turns cold and wet. Well there are a few issues I'm going to weigh in on and they are issues that have dominated the news that I don't think are especially newsworthy.

Let's start with Bruce Jenner or Caitlyn Jenner or whoever he/she wants to be. Bruce Jenner won the Olympic gold medal for the decathlon. There is no question based on his performance in those games that he was, at that time, the greatest athlete in the world. So Bruce/Caitlyn jumps off the deep end of the pool later in life and says he is actually (and has always been) in her mind a woman. Really, who gives two shits? If you win the gold medal in the Olympic decathlon and you want to run down the street screaming you are a horse then I think you have earned the right to do so. The only thing that confuses me is the sex part. Caitlyn says she is not gay. By not gay I took that to mean that Bruce was not attracted to men. If you have your man bits removed and girlie parts carved into your body and you love men now I guess it's no longer gay. If you are still attracted to women does that now make you a lesbian? I'm confused so maybe that's why I don't care. Bruce/Caitlyn just go out and get a group of unrelated men and women and just have a dog pile orgy for all I care. It's not news. You had a sex change. I'm not interested in sex with you so I don't care.

Josh Duggar. Some stupid ass TV show that I have never watched called 19 Kids and Counting. When he was a minor he apparently touched some girls (as I understand his female siblings) over and under their clothing for his sexual gratification. I have never seen the show and find the name of the show a turnoff. Really 19 kids? Why? We had three. I have no idea how you take care of or parent 19 kids. The world has a population problem and your choice to have 19 is not helping. They are fundamentalist Christians so the argument likely would be that if "God" did not intend for them to have 19 children it wouldn't have happened. I suppose that logic could make any action you would ever take okay. If "God" didn't want it to happen "He" would have prevented it.  Here's why I don't see any of this as news. First his dad is named "Jim Bob Duggar." Yes, dear reader we are headed there. Sit tight and hold on for the ride. Big Daddy Jim Bob and Momma to 19 Michelle Duggar live in Arkansas. Now the only thing for me that is news here is that someone thought it was news when a brother in Arkansas touched his sister's breasts and vagina. I would have guessed, based on my numerous visits to Arkansas that it wasn't illegal to do so. Apparently Jim Bob and Michelle didn't think it was illegal either since they were aware of his conduct and refused to report it to the authorities. He was sent for some "Christian" counseling. It would seem to me that if you have a problem touching children you should seek the counsel of a Catholic priest. Wait, that's wrong, Josh touched girls.

On to politics. John Dennis "Denny" Hastert former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. As a matter of fact the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives in United States history. Denny became Speaker in an interesting turn of events. Newt Gingrich stood down from his seat and Speakership in 1998. He has since been identified as a serial philanderer. Robert L. Livingston of Louisiana was designated to replace Gingrich but when Livingston's extramarital affairs came to light he announced he would not become speaker. All of this was taking place while the House was investigating the actions of President Bill Clinton and his conduct with one Monica Lewinski. So dear Denny takes over as the Speaker. Now we learn that he was guilty of prior inappropriate conduct with young men during his tenure as a high school teacher and wrestling coach. Why is this news? Denny was well known for his stand against LGBT folks. It has always been my position that if you want to make a law to make something illegal it is because it is something you are doing or would like to do. Write a bill in Congress to make goat fucking illegal. My immediate thought is that you are a secretive goat fucker. So Hastert tried to make things tough for homosexuals. Well, now we know the rest of the story. It isn't news any more than some kid in Arkansas touching his sister is.

So there you go. I'll take Bruce/Caitlyn over the other two. At least he's out front with what he is doing.  I miss real news. We seem distracted by the actions of celebrities. War, famine, crumbling infrastructure, poor treatment of our veterans, homeless men, women and children and we are worried about the sex organs of a few conceited individuals who aren't worth our time or concern. So Denny, Josh and Bruce/Caitlyn go fuck yourselves or each other. I don't care.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the keyboard. This inspired post is why I love this blog.
