Monday, March 7, 2016

When It Is My Time

I want to start this with three statements. First, my health is good. Second, for those worried about my health, thanks for your concern. Third, for those hoping the news was bad, sorry to disappoint and by the way: "Fuck you too!"

I was reading an article the other day about a 90 year old woman named Norma. It got me to thinking which is always dangerous territory. Norma and her husband Leo lived in northern Michigan. Leo was in the Hospice care when Norma learned she had a large likely cancerous mass on her uterus. Two days after Leo's death Norma was sitting in the doctor's office talking about treatment options with the doctor. You know how it goes, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation in some order or another. The doctor finished and asked Norma how she would like to proceed. Norma looked the doctor in the eye and said: "I'm 90 years old, I'm hitting the road." Her family was in the room with her and knew beforehand that she intended to refuse any treatment. They were in complete support of her decision. Her son Tim and daughter in law Ramie live in an RV and travel. Norma is a great companion and they would be taking her anywhere she wanted to go. The doctor was supportive and stated: "As doctors we see what cancer treatment looks like every day. ICU, nursing homes, awful side effects and honestly, there is no guarantee she will survive the initial surgery to remove the mass. You are doing exactly what I would want to do in this situation. Have a fantastic trip."

Here is Miss Norma.
This looks like a better choice than surgery, radiation and chemo.

It is always good to stop and smell the roses. It is never to early to start doing so.

Time for a hot air balloon ride.

The cup says it's 5 o'clock somewhere. Enjoy your journey Miss Norma.

Her story reminds me of something that happened when we were up north last summer. Lily and I had gone out for a walk. That day we had headed down the hill to walk around the property and see if the blackberries were ripe. We had gotten to the bottom of the hill when Carol called and said we had visitors at the house. We turned back and walked up the hill to find it was a couple of guys from an insurance company. I have a cancer policy I pay on every month. The terms they offered it under were going to change and it would be my final opportunity to upgrade my coverage under the old rules. The policy terms are 20 years and then all the money you paid in premiums is returned to you. They presented their case and I told them no thanks. Of course with any good salesman one no is never enough. Perhaps I didn't understand this opportunity and that is was only for a limited time. Look at all these benefits. Don't you want these? Again I told them no. Then they made a mistake. They asked the wrong question. Why aren't you interested? I told them I was 61 years old. I had no intention of seeking treatment if I was diagnosed with cancer. I would live my final days on my terms. Doing what I wanted. I had seen the effects of chemo and radiation on my grandmother and my father. No thank you. They said I would change my mind when the time came. Carol stepped in at that point and let them know that it didn't work that way with me. So, when I read Norma's story I knew what she meant and appreciated the choice she made.

I encourage you to take some time and go to Facebook. Search for Driving Miss Norma and follow along as she travels the United States. To Miss Norma I say "Thanks and enjoy every moment!"

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I wish Miss Norma well and many memories to cherish. Do not go gentle into that good night...
