Thursday, April 14, 2016

We Got Robbed

Lily has returned to "normal" since her escape last week. Yesterday she spent the better part of the morning in her fenced enclosure digging. The holes have gotten big enough that at times you cannot see her when she gets down in the hole. All that digging makes you hungry. I took the tractor to Wataga to get diesel fuel and gas for the chain saw. Carol stayed home to do some cleaning while Rose and Lily did their digging. Carol also worked on lunch. We had some left over baked potatoes she cut up to fry on the griddle along with a couple of hamburgers that just needed to be reheated. I got home and she let Rose and Lily in and met me at the door. When she went back to light the burner for the griddle on the stoves, no hamburgers. Rose isn't tall enough to get things off the counter or stove. Lily, no problem reaching up there but hasn't done so in the past. So, it was hot dogs for lunch. We got robbed, but Lily was happy. 

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