Thursday, September 16, 2021

Don’t Mess With Texas- FUCK TEXAS

 I’m wondering about Texans and Republicans in general. Conservative, small government, individual rights? Where did those alleged Republican policies go? Let’s start with abortion. Turning over enforcement of an abortion ban to vigilantes. Does anyone see a problem with this? No exception for rape and incest? Anyone see a problem with that? No abortions after six weeks. That raises some questions for me. If a six week old fetus has a heartbeat and according to Texas has rights as a human being should the following apply? When you file a tax return should they be counted as a dependent? Should they be issued a social security card? Are they to be counted in the census? If the mother is arrested is the fetus entitled to an attorney? 

Some may mistake my position as pro abortion. In an ideal world no abortion would be necessary. Sadly, we do not live in an ideal world. I believe a woman should be allowed to make a decision based on her life and circumstances. I may or may not agree with her decision. I am unwilling to substitute my judgment for hers. 

I think that pretty well covers my position. 

I do have some thoughts on Texas failure to allow an exception for rape and incest. The clearly mentally challenged governor of Texas stated they would work to ensure rapists in Texas were incarcerated. Well, dumbass, that can’t occur until after the rape has been committed. If the rape has happened so can pregnancy. So incarceration of rapists after the fact does not prevent pregnancy. A final thought on rape. It is NEVER the victim’s fault. In my career in corrections I interviewed hundreds of rapist and child molesters. I conducted exit interviews before they were released from prison. One of the questions was along the lines of tell me what happened. I try not to remember what they told me. The victim was not at fault. While the Texas Governor may have them incarcerated it usually isn’t forever. When they get out they are likely to offend again. There must be an exception for rape and incest. 

Texas assault on voting rights. A review of the 2020 election did not reveal voter fraud in Texas. Yet Republicans have taken significant steps to make it more difficult for people to vote. It seems to me that if your ideas are unpopular with voters you should work harder on convincing them your ideas are best. Perhaps you might even reevaluate your position on issues. Texas Republicans seem to want the people who don’t like their ideas to be unable to vote. I’m still trying to comprehend how Trump got the election stolen from him according to many elected officials. They were on the same ballot and somehow their results were unquestionably accurate. 

The picture below is my mental image of every elected Republican in Texas. 

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