Friday, May 11, 2012


This was one of those days I call a "not too" day. Not too hot, not too cold, not too sunny, not too cloudy, not too humid, not too dry- you get the idea a perfect say. We had two things we wanted to accomplish today. Being retired we set our goals pretty low. We wanted to plant flowers on Candy's grave. Our beloved dog left us in March and we are still mourning. You would think it would get easier and you would be wrong. Anyway there are now some lovely flowering plants where she lays. The other thing was to have a guy come by and see if his machine could help us clear some brush in our timber. He got lost three times on the way here but did finally arrive. He will be able to help us for the low price of $100.00 per hour. The important thing is that he can do in an hour what would take me a week. He will be back to do the work in August. It was three by then and we decided to go for a motorcycle ride. No plan, no destination and no stops. Just two hours out seeing the Illinois countryside and feeling the wind in our faces. It was wonderful. So if you want some advice just get on a bike and point it down the road, hit the throttle and have some fun.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah yeah on the moto ride. Anywhere is good, it's the ride-not the destination. riding with you is on my "fuckit" list. Maybe August if not sooner.
