Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why does anyone care?

We get up every morning and drink several cups of coffee while we watch the morning news. We have been fans of the local news team on WQAD our local ABC affiliate and being too lazy to change the channel by default we end up watching Good Morning America. This means we hear endless stories about Dancing with the Stars. Why does anyone care about that show? We have NEVER watched even a minute of it aside from the replays on GMA. When I see those clips I am left wondering, who are these so called "stars". Really!?! Chaz Bono, Tom Delay, those are stars? In what universe? Good Morning America is sort of a news show. Since when is a fake celebrity dance contest news? Especially news that has to be broadcast every fucking day of the week? I don't care? Our economy is in the toilet. We are in a presidential election year. So far this morning 99% of the shit on GMA has been about Men in Black 3 and Dancing with the Stars. This has become the face of America. This is what we care about? If we continue down this path to oblivion we will all be shopping at WalMart for low quality goods made in other countries. In closing I would watch dancing with a star if they would load all the contestants in a rocket and launch them into the Sun. That would be a dance worth watching.

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