Friday, December 7, 2012


There was plenty of news coverage this week regarding the pregnancy of one Kate Middleton, Duchess of WTF. She is Duchess of WTF because I don't know or care what she actually is duchess of. She is pregnant with the future king or queen of England. I have two things to say. First, Prince William, well done old chap. You should be hitting that every chance you get. My second point, really, who gives a shit. Ok, she's preggers. Happens to millions of women every year. The world doesn't stop to take notice. One of them is likely pregnant with a future Hitler or president of the United States, or Einstein. She is getting all the attention as she tosses her crumpets while junior wiggles around in her girly bits.
America faces a manufactured crisis that the media and politicians have dubbed the fiscal cliff. It is sort of the zombie apocalypse of government income and expense. If Congress doesn't act then apparently like Thelma and Louise we go over the cliff to our doom. It would seem clear to most by now that we might as well hold hands and step on the gas pedal. If we are expecting Congress to do anything we are bound to be disappointed. To me it looks more like a fiscal ski slope. We are headed downhill, and have been for a while. We are just trying to stay upright and reach the bottom of the mountain without breaking a hip or ankle. 
So what do a pregnant royal and a fiscal cliff have to do with each other. Well more news time is being spent on the pregnant royal than the demise of our way of life. I guess maybe we will just be distracted until one day we wake up and we have landed on our faces at the bottom of the cliff. Maybe if all goes well Kate's gigantic belly will cushion our fall, the impact will shoot the little king or queen of the future out of her splayed legs, and whoever catches the flying royal will win the Publisher's Clearing House.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to have you back Bodine-DILLIGAF. The Economist today had a piece in their magazine where the best place was if you were born in 2013. Switzerland was #1 and then the Scandinavaian countries. America was tied with Germany at #16. Twenty years ago they put out same ranking and Americas was #1. The slide has been going on many years now.
