Sunday, August 9, 2015

Who the Fuck is That Old Guy?

Last Saturday we went to Peoria for the wedding of our niece Kate to Nick. Our daughter in law Mandie was the wedding photographer. On Sunday she posted this picture. 

In the center of the picture is our darling granddaughter Johnnie. On the right is our son John. I looked at the picture for about a minute trying to figure out who in the fuck that old guy on the left was. He's holding my granddaughter and laughing with my son, but I just can't place him. I move on to the next picture. 

Well, now that I see the tattoos I realize it is me. I've tried all the excuses I can think of and none really work. Excuse one, the picture is black and white and I always see myself in color. Excuse two, it's a side view and when I see myself in the mirror it's always straight on and in color. Excuse three, new shirt and it had a collar. They all sound like bullshit because they are. Perhaps the truth is that old age and dementia are nipping at my heels. Passwords and PIN numbers are increasingly difficult to recall. Names have always been a challenge and now with a smart phone and Google I feel there is no need to actually remember anything. It appears, including what I look like. Maybe if the picture had been one of these it would be easier to understand. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm always a bit shocked to see myself and to hear myself - always different that what I expect (want?).
