Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Take a Deep Breath

Justice Antonin Scalia died this past weekend. He was clearly the conservative voice of the court. There were very few times I can say I agreed with him. Having said that I find the reaction to his death by far too many on both sides to be deeply disturbing. Is there any and I mean any consideration for his family? Almost all the talk since the moment his death was announced concerned who would replace him. Isn't there plenty of time for that later? After all he's going to be dead a really long time. There is time to allow his family to mourn their loss in peace. There is time to take a deep breath and figure out how to deal with the issue of his replacement on the court. 
Justice Scalia worked his almost 30 years on the Supreme Court determining how our Constitution applies to our modern lives. I find it amazing that the Republicans in the Senate want the President to ignore the Constitution and not appoint a replacement. If the President does appoint they have already determined they will not approve whoever it is. The Republicans claim to love the Constitution. Want to follow the Constitution and exactly. Want to return to the Constitution as written and intended by the Founders. Well, except if that black fella in the White House wants to appoint a new justice. Hypothetical bullshit. So they shouldn't wonder when the American people think Congress is doing nothing to help them. 

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