Tuesday, February 9, 2016

There is NO Escape

I minor edit in political science in college. I found the political process fascinating at the time. My, how times have changed. I have watched the Repubican and Democratic debates. I've tried to wade through the posturing and bullshit to determine what each candidate hope to accomplish. I will note the following observations.
First, Ted Cruz is easily the easiest candidate to hate. He just strikes me as a sleazy piece of shit. He, and I never thought I would say this about any candidate, makes Tricky Dick Nixon look honest. Ted just gives me the creeps. He claims to be honest and when he says he will do something that is exactly what he will do. He should never be elected to any office.
Donald Trump, a reality star who is out of touch with reality. 
Marco Rubio is most probably a robot. 
Second, we went to Illinois in January and since we live close to Iowa got bombarded with political ads. We are in Georgia in February and the South Carolina boarder is less than 3 miles from our house. So we are now bombarded with political ads from their primary which followed the one being held in New Hampshire today. There is no escape from the ads. I will say the ads in Iowa were much tamer than the ones down here in the south. The gloves are off and politics down here from what I can discern is a blood sport. Being retired and watching TV you see political ads, ambulance chasing attorneys looking for clients, various drug companies trying to persuade you that you have some chronic disease they can't cure but would sell you a drug for the rest of your life that might make you feel better if the side effects don't cause you to grow an arm out of your chest and hourly reminders to be sure to watch Dr. Phil. 
It is impossible to escape the stupidity and the feeling that we are doomed. When did the "best and brightest" decide they no longer wanted to be president and left us with these assholes? 

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