Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Little of This and A Little of That

It is one of those days where the blog entry is going to be a mash up of stuff. No theme today just some things to think about and memories.

This slipped by me the other day. It doesn't seem possible that was 35 years ago. If you are too young to remember it was during the "Cold War". We used amateur players and the USSR used a national troop that was somehow determined by the IOC to be amateurs. The US team was expected to lose and yet somehow at the end of the day they had won. It lives on forever in the line from Al Michaels. "Do you believe in miracles?" Well for at least that moment in time we all did.

The more I read and hear from Bernie Sanders the more I like him. He will have to declare as a Democrat if he is going to make a serious run for President. The deck is stacked against a run as an independent. If you don't know Senator Sanders take a little time and get familiar with him and his stance on issues. If you don't agree with him that is fine with me, at least you will do so knowing what he stands for and against.

So, I'm back poking religious folks in the eye. He does have a point. Since you can't see evolution happen (takes way to long) you have to accept it on faith. Satan didn't go around planting dinosaur fossils in the earth and changing the physics of carbon dating. The Bible wasn't written as a science textbook. So maybe the world is more than 6,000 years old. It leads to the next picture.

Maybe the 10 commandments could be boiled down to their basics and we would possibly be left with the command relayed above. Seems to me that "Don't be an asshole." would take care of all the issues raised in the rule book.

Perhaps there is a valid point here as well. Certainly we are not quoting scripture here and I doubt either song is a blueprint for the afterlife. One must however keep in mind the Biblical references that indicate how difficult it will be to enter into the kingdom of heaven. It does strike me as odd that while you are alive religious folks will tell you to change or you are going to go to hell. When you die they fall back to a more moderate position talking about "God" being your judge and not them. That they cannot know your heart the way "God" does. Then you go to the funeral and no matter how miserable a life a person has lead you never hear a minister say anyone is going to hell. Every time I go to church you tell me that is what is going to happen but when I'm dead all of a sudden you aren't so sure. Come on preacher man (or woman) grow a pair and stand on what you have been telling me. You won't be able to hurt my feelings, for Christ sake, I'm fucking dead.

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