Monday, February 16, 2015

Thoughts on a Monday

Well, let's start with something ripped from the headlines. "Woman Gets Two Years in Prison for Squeezing Ex-Boyfriend's Balls Until They Burst" Maybe ripped from the headlines was a poor choice of words.
My G rated damaged wiener picture.

 On with the story. Christina Lorena Reber, age 46, was upset that her 60 year old boyfriend had broken up with her. A few days after the breakup she broke into his house and started punching him in the head. The one on his shoulders. She then grabbed his balls and started squeezing as hard as she could. The victim, after a brief scuffle, was able to get loose from her death grip and fell to the floor in pain. He noticed his scrotum had been torn loose from his body and he was forced to pry it from his assailant's hand. He was treated at Muncie's Ball Memorial Hospital where he required reconstructive surgery. Does anyone else find it amusing that he was treated at Ball Memorial Hospital? She ended up getting sentenced to prison for the assault.

Do you recognize the fellows pictured below? This is a picture from one of their first performances 45 years ago last week.

They are more easily recognized now looking like this.

I have been able to see them in concert at least three times. It is always an amazing experience and a fun show. Billy Gibbons is one of the most talented guitar players in the world.

If you follow along you know that I'm dieting again. This is one of the things I try to keep in mind. I didn't get heavy in a few days, weeks or months. Losing the weight is going to be a gradual process. The next picture is the other thing I struggle to remember.

It is a tough lesson to learn.

I have watched the financial sector since the crash in 2008. The more I watch the more convinced I become that unless a few of these mega banks are broken up we are headed for another crash. Hope I',m wrong but they are working hard and succeeding at getting many of the reforms repealed and the regulators rendered toothless.

My poke at conservatives today.

The next one is for Rush Limbaugh.

And finally the thing you want to hear from me.

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