Friday, July 17, 2015

Just How Goddamn Stupid Are You? Part 2

This may end up being a multi part series as the amount of material in my head continues to grow. I can't help it, after all, it is election season.

Let's start with my current second favorite idiot. My first is and always will be that fat retarded kid who runs North Korea. My daughter in law says that the term "retard" is as offensive as the word "fuck". I don't completely agree unless I refer to the fat North Korea douche bag as a fucking retard. However, in the interest of not offending mentally disadvantaged folks by associating them with that dumbass I will, in the future, refer to him as that fat dumbass North Korean douchebag. On to my second favorite. That would be Donald Trump. It is more than just his unenlightened comments about Latinos in the United States. If that were it he might not even make the top ten dumbasses. Today I listened to him bloviate about what a great businessman and negotiator he is. That the Iran deal done by President Obama is a horrible deal and he would have done so much better. He would be respected by the Iranian leadership like President Reagan. Mr. Trump stated that the day Ronald Reagan took office the Iranian leadership returned the hostages because they respected and feared Mr. Reagan. Well Donald I have one question? Just how goddamn stupid are you? Ronald Reagan conspired with the Iranians to delay release of the hostages until after the election in which he defeated Jimmy Carter. The price was weapons Iran needed to continue the war they were involved in with Iraq. In addition Trump carries on about how he would not abide by the deal if it is approved when he becomes president. This is a claim made by another candidate Scott Walker currently the governor of Wisconsin. He also makes my top ten list of dumbasses. They both claim they would place "crippling economic sanctions" on Iran. First, since there were other countries involved in the current agreement unilateral sanctions by the United States would be completely ineffective. The current sanctions worked only because we were able to convince other counties that it was necessary and appropriate. If China and Russia don't agree especially it the Iranian government is complying with the terms of the current agreement what does Mr. Trump propose to do? He'd use his persuasive powers to get them to follow his lead? I find that unlikely. It's easy to talk tough when the results of your talk is simply meaningless vibrations of molecules in the atmosphere. It like his claim he will charge Mexico $100,000 for each person who crosses over illegally after he is sworn into office. Not going to happen. Most importantly since Mr. Trump will never be elected president. If you believe he is you move ahead of the North Korean dumbass at the top of my list. If he is such a great businessman perhaps these failures paint a less flattering picture of his business acumen. Remember any of these? Trump Shuttle, Trump: The Game, Trump Magazine,, Trump Casinos, Trump Mortgage, Trump Steaks, and Trump Vodka. In addition Trump business ventures have sought Chapter 11 protection in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. Savvy businessman. Says a lot about his money management and deal making skills.

Let's finish up with another group of idiots. They would be the Republicans in Congress. They decided, before even seeing the current deal with Iran, that they didn't like it at all. They carry on and complain about how they want to stop the deal. They have, through their own actions, made that impossible. The sanctions Congress passed even during the Obama administration allow them to be lifted at the direction of the President. Congress would have to pass legislation by a veto proof majority to revoke that authority and prevent President Obama from lifting the sanctions. The public does not want a war with Iran and there will never be enough Democratic support to remove the President's authority to cancel the sanctions. Congress agreed they had the ability to review any deal but the bill does not require or allow them to approve of reject the deal. The deal prevents Iran from producing or obtaining enough nuclear material to make a bomb. It allows sanctions to be immediately implemented if Iran fails to comply with the agreement. It limits their ability to obtain conventional weapons. The important thing is that it encourages them to rejoin the community of nations. It is also vital to keep in mind that Iran would not be such a large player in the region if President George W Bush had not destabilized the region with his ill advised war in Iraq.

So, if you are stupid enough to believe Donald Trump has the answers and should be president, then there is nothing in this blog for you. Move along. Drag your knuckles on the pavement, grunt and scratch your miniscule balls and tune into Rush Limbaugh. If you think war is the answer then vote for Lindsey Graham.

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