Monday, July 20, 2015


I look at national politics and I get more and more disillusioned. When you get done reading this post you may feel I have become more and more delusional. I look at the current group of Republicans trying to get their party's nomination and cannot picture voting for any of them. I'm so tired of hearing them say: "I'm not a scientist, but...." Then say something stupid about climate change. I'm tired of inflexible positions on things like abortion, gun control and gay marriage. The Supreme Court is not too activist when they make a decision like the one involving Hobby Lobby's objection to birth control but the decision on gay marriage should be ignored. The gay marriage issue for me was one about equal protection. If a gay couple was married in Illinois then the marriage needed to be recognized as valid in every state. The mess created by varying state laws and federal rulings required a decision by the Supreme Court. We can argue if they were right or wrong but in the end nine people has an opinion that mattered. It's like the O.J. Simpson murder trial jury decision. Twelve jurors had an opinion that mattered. The rest of us can argue but what we think won't change the outcome. When I look at the folks who want to be president I find myself starting by eliminating those I would never vote to elect. Donald Trump. I cannot picture Scott Walker because of his anti Union positions. Lindsey Graham is just too willing to solve all the world's issue with military force. I don't want another Bush or Clinton. Mike Huckabee is too busy claiming Christians are being persecuted. Being denied special privileges is not persecution. No one is forcing churches to perform gay marriages. Businesses are not persons and don't have "closely held beliefs" that allow them to discriminate. So far the guy below is making the most sense. 

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