Saturday, July 18, 2015

Test Run

I normally compose my blog posts on the laptop. I have attempted from time to time composing on the iPad. I downloaded the blogger app today and this is my attempt to see if it will work. The problem in the past has been adding pictures. Since many are stored on my iPad I've had to email them to myself, download them and then add them yo the blog. If I can cut some of that nonsense out it will make blogging easier. I personally prefer Apple products and was an Apple user before I got my first iPad. Enough about that. The test will be adding pictures, so here we go. 

Well there is my answer. It works! I give a rat's ass, do you? 

1 comment:

  1. It depends, but usually I don't give a rat's ass myself. I do give a rat's ass, however, on whatever makes your blogging easier.
