Monday, March 29, 2021

Historic Illinois

 We went to Pittsfield a couple weeks ago. There was an antique store that had attracted our attention. When we were done there we decided to go visit the downtown area. As it seems usual in this area of Illinois the county courthouse sits in the the square surrounded by shops. It was an interesting s courthouse square so I took some pictures. 

The marker to the right is placed over a time capsule from the bicentennial year 1976 to be opened in 2076. 

Monuments in towns large and small depend on benefactors. They should be remembered an memorialized. 

Our troops deserve monuments  and our appreciation for their sacrifice. 

Civil War soldiers had their own plaque near one of the entrances. Sadly due to terrorist attacks and the need for additional courthouse security the entrance is closed. 

A couple additional views of the courthouse. There are additional items on the square that deserve their own post. It is another place in Illinois Lincoln touched. 

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