Sunday, March 21, 2021

I’m Confused

 In early February I spent a day in the hospital. I’d been having some intermittent chest pains for a few days. I also felt a bit short of breath and occasionally lightheaded. I went to the ER and they did the usual stuff. Blood pressure, electrocardiography, COVID-19 test, and admitted me for testing. There is some nuclear medicine test that uses a chemical that is counteracted by caffeine. Since I’d had my morning coffee I had to wait till the next morning. The test is used to determine if you have blockages in your cardiac arteries. The test results showed my cardiac profusion rate was 80%. The doctor told me normal for my age is about 60%. It was their opinion my issues were gastrointestinal so my medication for that was increased. The result has been good. No additional chest pains and life is back to “normal” whatever that is. I’m not confused about any of that, I’m confused about the bills. I haven’t seen any bills yet but I have been able to access what the insurance company is doing. 

Doctor visit $461. The Medicare allowed amount is just under $118. 

Hospital bill just over $19,700. Allowed amount $2,226. 

Emergency room doctor $2255. Allowed amount $216. 

In what other business is your bill discounted about 90%? Explain to me how that works? If I was private pay, no insurance, that bill would be pushing $25,000. Is that what is happening? Those of us fortunate enough to have health insurance are pushing costs off to those without insurance? Every time I deal with healthcare and health insurance I find myself more of a believer in single payer national healthcare. There is no question in my mind that healthcare is a human right and that it is affordable to provide to everyone in the United States. 

1 comment:

  1. I have been an advocate for universal cradle-to-grave single pay healthcare for a while now. I must be a Commie socialist - me and ll the other Western industrial nations.
    Glad you are feeling better. Keep Jeff in good health.
