Thursday, January 12, 2012


I am retired after working over 30 years with juvenile delinquents and adult male felons. Do I miss it? There are days especially during the winter when daytime television takes a toll on my intellectual abilities. Really, The View, The Talk, The Chew, Ellen, Dr. Phil, Judge Judy make me want to look for a gun. There were days at work where I had 10 people reporting to me most of them college educated and I wondered how they found their way to work. Then there would be weeks where their work performance was amazing. There were days with a hundred things happening at once and I could not have moved faster if my hair was on fire. Do I miss those days? Truthfully those are the ones I miss the most. You get addicted to the adrenaline rush. The end of the day shows up and it feels like you got to work five minutes ago. I will always miss that feeling. The only other thing I miss about work is the sound of the doors closing. There is nothing like the sound of a steel door slamming into a steel frame.
Why all the reminiscing? Yesterday it was 55 degrees here and the sun was shining. It was one of those days you are not allowed to have in Illinois in January. Today it is 18 degrees and it has snowed about 4 inches and the wind is blowing 25+ miles per hour. It is our first real snow and cold this winter. There are people who have been complaining because it hasn't been wintery yet. Where's the snow? Why hasn't it gotten cold yet? Where is winter? I hope you assholes are happy. Winter is here. All I can say to you and winter is FUCK YOU! I look out the window at the snow blowing and drifting and think that maybe Judge Judy and friends aren't so bad. I'm not in Florida, Mike, but I don't have to go out. Retirement is AWESOME!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Mr. Sutor. And I'm here in 68 degree comfort at 9:12 ET watching webcams of the snow falling on the campus of Iowa Wesleyan. Just wishing I could be back home long enough to get that numbness in my toes, to look outside the window and see the snow barreling past the street lights. It's funny the things we have and don't want, and the things we can't have and want so much it hurts. I'm retired too, and unlike you I'm hopping on the bike first thing tomorrow morning and go have a Fray's donut with coffee. One of my once-a-week indulgences. And while I sip my coffee I'll imagine I'm in a cozy place keeping warm while the snow falls.
