Thursday, February 28, 2013

Humor- Maybe, Maybe Not

I start my mornings off reading Mike Blythe's blog Existing in BFE. He correctly stated that I usually don't offer much in the line of pictures. Today will be an exception. This is shit I find amusing. You may and you may not. You may be offended. It's okay, that is what humor should do.

I think I saw her at WalMart. She had 6 kids and a bad attitude.

 Lily didn't think much of Old Yeller either.

 I would mow the yard more often. Looks like it might be one of those things that solves two problems. My desire to ride the motorcycle and the need to mow the yard.

 Offensive, sure. Funny as hell? Yes to me.

 Yes I will make fun of the disabled. Why should they be exempt? If I don't then they could sue for discrimination. I would rather be sued for harassment.

 Come on guys this happens to women all the time. The pregnant belly rub. Hell I've been that big in the gut and they never rubbed my belly. I could be good fortune like Buddah. I'm sure if they did rub my belly I would say "Lower please".

I included this because Lily does this every day. 

This is Johnnie Lynn Sutor. She is John and Mandie's youngest. She is not being funny here I just wanted to draw your attention to her hat. I so want one of those. I would wear it all winter and if it wasn't too hot in the summer. 

This is Audrey Layne Sutor. She is John and Mandie's middle daughter. I am old now but I remember when snow made me this happy. I wish it did now. 

Johnnie again. I thought this picture showed how I usually feel about snow now. Oh hell, that is my usual confused look about everything.

Isn't context everything?

 I do wonder about things like that.

Oh those crazy Swiss. Good thing they are neutral.

Sometimes simple and clean is funny as well.

1 comment:

  1. Humor is a funny thing (he wrote with some embarrassment). At my annual Dr.s visit last week after rattling off numbers on three pages of lab work, turned to me and said, "you look goodon paper." I immediately laughed getting the distinction and he said I'd be surprisedhowmany people don't get it. Like the Thai girl/guy reference, I get some things and don't get others. Why do I like Lewis Black but can't hack Jerry Seinfeld? Why do the French revere Jerry Lewis and Americans turn up their noses? I suppose there are answers, but I don't have them.
