Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Random thoughts

Today will just be about things that have caused me to pause and think.

Declawing. It happens to cats all the time. We have a cat. Her name is Snickers and she claws the woodwork and Lily every chance she gets. She lives in the basement now because Lily owns the upstairs. Why aren't dogs declawed? I am redoing the upstairs woodwork and Lily is stretching the doors up trying to figure out how they open. Declawing would stop that. I don't want to do that to her and have never heard of anyone doing that to a dog.

News and famous people. Why is anything Brittany Spears does news? She is considering doing a Las Vegas show. Who gives a shit? Prince Harry says or does something stupid. Who cares. I don't live in Great Britain. If he woke up tomorrow and was literally covered in hair that would be news. Hairy Prince Harry?

Boy Scouts considering allowing gay scouts. Will there be new merit badges? Interior decorating? Fashion design? Again why does anyone care?

A second grader in Colorado was suspended for throwing an imaginary hand grenade during recess in an attempt to "rescue the world". Maybe the school should give him a pretend suspension. Isn't this the kind of bullshit you would expect from California. So kids, use your imagination but not in a way anyone real or imaginary could be harmed. Part of my youth was spent with cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers or playing army. No G.I. Joes for us. They marketed him as an action figure but we all knew he was a doll. If you played with G.I. Joe you couldn't be in the Boy Scouts.

No Saturday mail delivery. I'm good with that. I have converted more and more of my bills to email and do more online bill pay each year. If I have any regrets it is that I have letters my Grandmother wrote home to her parents when she was a student at Knox during the 1930's. We will not leave that written record for future generations. We read and discard our emails like useless electrons.

Monopoly, the one board game we all played in our childhood changed game pieces. They dumped the iron, apparently unneeded in our permanent press world. Replaced by a cat. What a pussy move that was. It must have been a coordinated effort by the Crazy Cat Lady Union of America.

Twitter launched a new video service called Vine. You can post videos that are up to six seconds long. Now, to be honest, I do not have a twitter account. I have never tweeted or twitted or  whatever the hell it is you do on Twitter. The news is that within hours of opening there were pornographic videos on Vine. First, why is that a surprise to  anyone? Second, who is sitting around going, "Wow, I've got six seconds to spare, think I will watch some porn."  Six seconds, women everywhere will be disappointed if that trend catches on. It will be, are you ready, oh baby, and was that good for you. Less time than it took to type that.

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