Friday, February 1, 2013

Lily Lu

Lily has been attending dog obedience classes or as she refers to them owner training. She is teaching us how to walk with her, allow us to have her sit or lay down near us when she stops walking. She knows what wait and stay mean. So we are able to do both when she gives us those nonverbal signals.   We tried having her sleep in bed with us but I like things like covers on me and more than a six inch slice of the bed to lay on. Treats- well snausages just don't make the cut. She just smells them and walks off. If it comes from Milo's Kitchen she will do anything for a snack. Since I am being trained I have also learned that if there is no treat offered there are things she won't do. She sleeps in her kennel at night but if there is no treat to entice her into the kennel then she dives under the bed and hides. I know she understands how tough it is for a fat old man to get on the floor and that I don't fit under the bed. She moves just enough to stay frustratingly out of reach. While she barks! Sounds to me like she is saying: "Get off the floor and get me that Milo's treat you fat stupid bastard!" So, in compliance with my training I go to the kitchen and get a treat for her. She goes directly into the kennel, sits down and waits for her special delivery.

That is Lily Lu doing one of the things she does best. Sleeping on the couch dreaming about catching some critter in the yard. We have been considering getting her a doggy friend to play with to keep her active.

This is my worker buddy Nate. He and Lily Lu agree that Beggin Strips are an awesome snack. Nate likes dog treats but we do feed him people food for his lunch and snacks. He just sneaks a dog treat now and then. He does not agree with Lily Lu about about Milo's Kitchen chicken meatballs. Nate thought they were nasty and Lily Lu really didn't want to share.

In closing Lily Lu will never be able to completely train me. Carol doesn't mind if I pee in the yard but dropping a deuce out there would never be acceptable. Neither is a problem today. The current outdoor temperature is 6 degrees F with a wind chill of at least -20 degrees F. If my daddy parts shrank any more due to the cold they would be inside my body. It is tough to get one inch of dick outside of three inches of clothes. It is also embarrassing to stand out there with your zipper down fishing around in you drawers trying to find your junk. Not a problem for Mike in Florida where the weather is warm but the neighborhood is crowded. I would still find Mr. Happy more than a little shy under those circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. We used to call this a "spurt of performance." Two entries in two days. Wonderful. By the way, who is the Alpha, Lily Lu or Nate? I remember a certain bone a certain Sutor purchased for MINS'es graduation from school. Hope to reciprocate when I get a bit closer to the North, but sounds much too chilly right now. Speaking of marking territory, I was able to do exactly that off a two story observatory a couple weeks ago. Take that Mr. Gator. Excellent entry, tell Nate, Lily Lu, and Carol I said "hey". PS - Nate, stay out of Lily Lu's food bowl.
