Wednesday, June 25, 2014

BITCH- Please

Watching the news is becoming an increasingly painful exercise. When I think the news could not be presented in a more ignorant and simplistic manner they find a way. Last night the weather was big news. There have been severe storms is several areas of the country. If you want to be taken seriously why would you begin your coverage with a statement similar to this one. I must paraphrase since I did not record the exact statement. "Mother Nature is upset and taking her vengeance out on the American Heartland." Really? Major network news show begins their weather coverage by making statements about "Mother Nature". I'm waiting for the response from a conservative outlet like Fox News. Something like, liberal media declares war on women by blaming bad weather on Mother Nature. Maybe they would go another direction and declare that the pagan liberals have attributed an act of God to a mythic figure. You know, the bad weather has to be punishment for the election of our Kenyan Muslim Socialist UnAmerican Black President. Maybe the culprit is gay marriage or Benghazi or abortion or taxes or the minimum wage hike. Hate to leave out the lack of prayer in our public schools. Clearly it couldn't have anything to do with climate change because that is a liberal media hoax to get more tax money. Now that the  "liberal media" has  put Mother Nature and her vengeance into the equation perhaps the answer to our weather problems is a sacrifice of some sort. What do you sacrifice for a weather event. Thunderstorm- Goat? Tornado- Lamb? Hurricane- Virgin? Hope we don't have a hurricane. Where the hell would you find a virgin these days? Maybe we could hit up the Duggar family. They have 19 kids and trying for more. Would they really miss one? Maybe we should talk to  Mother Nature's parents. Who are they? Perhaps Mother Earth and Father Time? After all these years why can't they get their hormonal bitch of a daughter under control? God didn't have that problem with Jesus.

Maybe the real point of the news now is to distract us by saying really ignorant things. Talking about what celebrities are getting married. Who LaBron James is going to play basketball for next year. Who's to blame for the problems in the Middle East rather than a discussion about what can and should be done, if anything. Let's not try to fix the problems at the IRS. Better to find someone to blame and score some political points on a manufactured scandal. Liberal groups were examined as well but all that gets any time is the tea party groups. Maybe the IRS isn't the problem maybe it's the law that created groups that are funneling millions of dollars into the political campaigns and showing why money isn't really speech. The problem with those issues is they can't be covered by the news in 45 seconds. The problem with 45 seconds is that it is 30 seconds longer than the average news viewer's attention span.

So, watch the news. Listen, really listen, to the stupid shit they are saying night after night. You will understand until we fundamentally change how we are doing things we are doomed.

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