Thursday, April 2, 2015


I started walking with Fitbit tracking me on October 18, 2014. So far according to its tracking I have walked 2,190,876 steps for a total of 1,013.86 miles. In regard to weight loss when you combine that activity with my diet I have lost a total of over 60 pounds. I have been tracking my blood pressure and the average for my last 10 readings has been 112/68 with a pulse of 68 beats per minute. The only number that really means something to me is the 1,000+ miles I have walked. You might wonder why. If I were to start walking from our address here on Tybee Island to our house in Illinois the distance is 1,010 miles. So I have walked the equivalent of that trip. Most of the walking has taken place on Tybee Island. I would be wrong to fail to mention my walking buddy Lily. She has been with me virtually every step of the way. If you account for her 4 legs she has walked the same distance but put in twice as many steps as I have. She is the big reason for my success. She looks forward to our walks. Enjoys the sights and smells of the island. We walked today and the island is getting busy with tourists. Kids are out of school for Easter break and many parents are taking advantage of the holiday with a trip to Tybee to visit the Lighthouse and beach. We got stopped several times today by folks wanting to know what kind of dog she is and taking the opportunity to pet her. Lily enjoyed the extra attention and was willing to let anyone who wanted to do so give her a little back rub or pet on the head. I see people out walking, jogging or biking every day with their headphones or earbuds in listening to music or talking on their phone. Lily and I just wander about the island enjoying the sunshine and listening to the jealous barks of other dogs who are confined to their yards or houses while she walks with me. So here is my weight loss advice. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Cut out between meal snacks. Avoid processed foods as much as possible. Go to the Farmer's Market and get some fresh produce. Get a dog. Walk. Walk. WALK!!!!

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