Tuesday, April 14, 2015

We Don't Have Enough Words????

A friend posted one of these on Facebook and I had to go and look at more of them. English has lots of words but some of these seem like worthy additions to our language.

It always feels weird to be out alone at a movie or dinner. This may be the right word.
 There should be a word for losing a male friend.
 This seems to cover most conversations.
 You see this all the time. I, unfortunately, am an offender at times.
 This always seemed to be a problem when work would send me to training. Where do those people come from?
 Haven't we all been that tired?
 There is no chair in our bedroom for that reason.
 Not all knowledge is good.
 This happens more often as I get older.
 We all do this, why not have a word?
 Just because it's new to me doesn't make it new????
 You know you have met them.
 There should be a corresponding word for a man.
 This would explain my keyboard skills.
 All too often I have sat down next to someone at a bar and had them tell me things I wished I hadn't heard. Why is unhearing so hard to do?
 They think we know what they are talking about.
 We have all bought that bag of chip air.

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