Thursday, October 1, 2015

Think Outside the Box

Problems that happen repeatedly and seem to have no solutions require new thinking. One of the best definitions of insanity I've seen is this one. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is insane. Let's be realistic old people, how many of us have sat at a computer and hit the same button hoping something different would happen? We weren't sure what to do and we were worried that pushing the wrong button would destroy our document, file, computer, network or perhaps even the Internet. If we continued to push the same button at least nothing bad could happen. Maybe we didn't hold it down long enough? Maybe it needed to rapid clicks? Maybe using the other hand or a different finger? Hey, nobody said it had to make sense. So, while you may think my answer below to a repeated problem makes no sense, keep in mind we don't have time for rationale thought. 

We had another mass school shooting today. This time it was Oregon. The problem is literally coast to coast. Newtown, Connecticut to Roseburg, Oregon. Gun control folks want to ban guns. Gun advocates want more guns in more places. President Obama is addressing the nation for the 15th time during his administration following a mass shooting. So, more guns or less guns have been proposed as solutions. So have additional background checks. More mental health treatment and screening. None of those things have been enacted. Somebody sees each of these solutions as unworkable or unreasonable. I was watching television today and a former FBI agent stated that we don't know anything about the shooter but most likely it is a white male. Almost without exception the shooters are white males. We went to a movie last month and after we were seated a lone white male came in and sat behind us. Did I racially profile? Yes I did. Did I keep an eye on him during the movie? Hell yes. Does that bother me? Yes. It shouldn't be necessary. We should be able to go to any public place and not have to worry about mass shootings. The time for rationale thought and reasonable solutions has passed. I have the answer. Originally I thought the best way to solve the problem would be to ban white guys. If white males are doing he shooting, when we get rid of them the problem will go away. Being a white guy it seemed to go against my self interest. My revised solution? White guys can't wear any clothes. No place to hide the gun. Naked white guys everywhere. If you go outside with clothes on you are subject to arrest. Cold weather? Sorry, still no clothes for you. The answer to gun violence- naked white guys. 

1 comment:

  1. The thought of you and I running around naked in public is more than frightening. Actually that may increase gun sales.
