Thursday, July 11, 2013


I did something today that I am not proud of. Something I don't do very often. Something shocking and shameful. I knew when I did it that I was doing something very very wrong. Something so offensive to my intellect that it may take days or weeks to erase the stain from my memory. It hurts now to think about what I did but they say confession is good  for the soul. I know some of you think I don't have one and honestly at times I'm not sure, but why take a chance. Carol advised me yesterday that FISH Food Pantry was in need of volunteers. One of our friends is the volunteer coordinator. I figured, what the hell, I'm retired a two hour shift every week might be good for me. So I went in today and checked it out. Now that isn't what this is about. When I got done at 12:30 it was time to run a couple of errands. During lunch the local FM station runs old time country western music. You know that twangy shit from the 1960's when rock and roll was the greatest thing ever and country music was complete shit. That isn't what this is about either. I had to change the radio station and I couldn't find any good music on any of my preset FM stations. I switched to AM and up comes WGIL. This is where I sinned. I did the unforgivable. It was the Rush Limbaugh show. I heard that loud mouth fucktard start talking and I did not immediately change the station. I decided I would listen for a bit and see if anything new or intelligent came out of his mouth. It did not. I listened for at least a half hour off and on as I completed my errands. Here are a few things that struck me as odd.

Rush claims to love our constitution and our freedoms. Your freedom of speech is limited on Rush's show to things that you agree with him about. If you challenge him on any issue he cuts you off and then vomits out his opinion and congratulates himself for being so fucking smart.

He hates women, minorities, illegal aliens and feels too many folks are receiving aid from the government. If the government would get out of the way then free enterprise would restore America to its former greatness. We could go back to the good old days of child labor, back alley abortions and pollution.

It seems like Rush believes the only reason hispanics illegally cross the boarder is so they can collect welfare, get food stamps and free medical care. He ignores the fact that many of those who cross over are trying to make a better life for themselves and their families by working hard. Ignoring the fact that employers take advantage of their status and pay them substandard wages with poor working conditions. The facts don't fit his narrative.

So, I listen to Rush today for a while. He has polluted my brain with the constant shit that flows out of his pie hole. I find it interesting that he has an audience. I think it is because they are lazy. He spews out things that appear at least partially true and his audience wants to believe that is the way things are. They never check his facts they just believe. He just moves farther and farther into right wing nuttiness and they follow along like sheep. It is days like this that I am thankful for one thing. I don't believe in heaven or hell. If there was a hell I'm sure it would be a constant replay of Rush talking hour after hour, day after day, year after year, century after century for millenia for all eternity. I cannot accept that any diety is that cruel. I hope it is a few more years before I decide that Rush is worth any of my time. Old time twangy country music is beginning to sound better every minute.

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