Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Royal Baby- DILLIGAF

It is Monday July 22, 2013 and the news is full of coverage regarding Princess Kate. She is preparing to push the royal heir to the British throne through her diamond encrusted crevix, down her emerald and ruby lined birth canal and out of her golden vagina. The world is abuzz with the news. Twitter is twittering in anticipation. I have other thoughts. The world will welcome with open arms this child be it boy or girl who will want for nothing. The newborn royal will immediately enter a life of privilege and excess. The finest of everything all the time. No struggles for the necessities of life. Food, shelter, clothing, all provided in abundance. Adoration, attention, fame, fortune, and any other thing its little royal heart could desire will be provided. Excuse me if I puke now.

I took a minute to look at how many children will die today from hunger or hunger related causes. It is surprisingly hard to get an accurate number. Some sources put the number at 15,000, some at 18,000 per day. The per year number is even more confusing ranging from 1.5 million to 15 million per year. It is easy to understand the difficulty. The children die in areas of the world where we don't like to look. Africa, India, Southeast Asia. So much easier to look to London. OOOOHHHH Look its a new ROYAL. Was it a natural birth? Did Kate have an epidural? What will the name be? While that happens a child somewhere takes its last breath. It dies from starvation, or disease caused by hunger or the lack of clean water. A mother and father mourn the loss and suffer out of the sight of the cameras and attention that are focused on the child who will have everything. A child starves to death while we turn food into fuel for our cars because we don't want to pay so much for gasoline made from oil. We burn so much oil because we don't want to practice conservation. We subsidize farm commodity prices and ethanol prices to keep the gas and oil prices under control. While children die of hunger. The number per day is shocking. Thousands. Not hundreds, THOUSANDS! Every day. All year. Starvation doesn't take the day off. We turn our heads and look the other way. Easier to think about a princess and a future king or queen.

I will step off my soap box now. You may go back to whatever it was you were doing before I bothered you with these mental images. We have all seen them before. The distended bellies, the ghostly stare in those huge starving eyes. It is wrong. It is unacceptable. We claim to be a Christian nation. We don't turn the other cheek, we turn a blind eye. Go back and think happy thought about a new baby who has a family that never worries about food. Never goes to bed hungry. Sorry to have disturbed your day.

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