Sunday, January 19, 2014


The world is full of things that we can use multiple times. Unfortunately time itself is not one of those things. We get one shot. One go around. No going back. No changing what happened. We can apologize for things we did wrong. Savor things that went well. Relive them in our minds. We cannot go back and change them.

Something to think about. What matters most now? Where and how do you spend the time you have? Do you wish you had done more of this?

Maybe enjoyed times like this a bit more. Really lived in that moment.

The picture is from sometime around 1979 or 1980. Our youngest John is not in the picture or our niece Ellen. My father, grandfather and grandmother shown in the picture are no longer with us. It would be a wonderful thing to be able to talk to each of them again. To seek the advice I didn't seem to want or appreciate at the time. Advice that would be worth a king's ransom to me now.
So take time today to enjoy each moment. Think about the choices you make when you spend the precious time you have. Consider what is really important. 

1 comment:

  1. Well said, and something to keep in mind as we travel forward.
