Thursday, July 31, 2014


Do you get many emails? It seemed to me that I was getting a bunch so I decided to not open any for a day and count them up. So since this time yesterday I have received 40 emails. I am a bit disappointed with who they have been from. The best one was from my buddy Mike. He is up from Florida and was telling what he had planned for his visit to "Northlandia". There must be something wrong in Africa other than the current ebola outbreak. It has been several weeks since I have won any lottery money in Nigeria. No prince has been writing me asking for my banking information so that the millions of dollars I have won can be deposited directly into my bank account. No notice from a priest advising me of my monetary winnings. No chance a prince or priest would lie to me. I have been getting plenty of emails about money but it has been people asking for money. More specifically Democratic people asking for money. Since yesterday afternoon: Cheri Bustos (2), Progressives 2014, Emily's list, Ann Callis, Elizabeth Warren (2), Democratic Rapid Response Team, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Harry Reid, Dan Pfeiffer (White House Senior Advisor), and Democrats United 2014. Cheri Bustos apologized for sending multiple emails but she really needs my support. Every day each group tells me how vital support is today. The next few HOURS are HUGE. The President is being sued by the House of Representatives. The Koch brothers are spending millions to have their lackeys elected. All donations are triple matched till midnight. We can turn the south blue and retain control of the senate.

Somewhere someone has the mistaken idea that I give a fuck about any of this. Cheri, Elizabeth, Emily, Ann, Dan, Harry and everyone else asking, pleading, begging for my money. Please FUCK OFF. I have never given a dime to any political campaign. Never have! NEVER WILL! I sit back and watch a Congress that does nothing and accomplishes nothing and they want money to elect more people who will also accomplish nothing. No thanks. I will do my best to assist the poor you have chosen to ignore. Talk about the billions and trillions you have wasted and vote to continue to waste on a defense program that is out of control. Watch while you debate bills that promise to bring back American jobs while reading independent analysis that says they will accomplish nothing of the sort and are presented as a political ploy. So stop filling my inbox with requests for campaign donations and explain to me what you are doing today to close corporate tax loopholes. What you are doing to take better care of our veterans. What you are doing to address the immigration problems on our southern boarder. What you are doing to see that the children arriving here from Central America are given fair hearings about their refugee status. Stop wasting your time begging for campaign money and start dealing with this country's many complex problems.

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